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歌曲dark fantasy是什么意思?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 04:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 12:35

Dark Fantasy Kanye West

You might think you've picked a scene
But you haven't
The real ones far to mean
The watered down one
The one you know
Was made up centuries ago
It made it sound all wack and corny
Yes, it's all full blasted boring
Twisted fiction
Sick addiction
Well gather round children
Zip it listen!

Can we get much higher
So high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhh oh
Ohh can we get much higher
So high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhh oh

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I fantasized about this back in Chicago
mercy, mercy me, that Murcielago
that's me, the first year that I blow
how you say broke in Spanish? Me no hablo
me drown sorrow in that Diablo
me found bravery in my bravado
DJ's need to listen to the model's
You ain't got no *in' Yeezy in your Serrato?
(You ain't got no Yeezy, nigga?)
stupid, but what the * do I know?
I'm just a Chi-town nigga with a Nas flow
and my bitch in that new Phoebe Philo
so much head, I woke up to Sleepy Hollow

Can we get much higher?
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

Look like a fat booty Celine Dion
sex is on fire, I'm the King of Leon-a Lewis
beyond the truest
hey, teacher, teacher
tell me how do you respond to students?
and refresh the page and restart the memory?
respark the soul and rebuild the energy?
we stopped the ignorance, we killed the enemies
sorry for the night demons still visit me
the plan was to drink until the pain over
but what's worse, the pain or the hangover?
fresh air, rolling down the window
too many Urkels on your team, that's why your wins low
don't make me pull the toys out, huh
don't make me pull the toyyyys
and fire up the engines huh
and then they make noooise

Can we get much higher
So high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhhh oh oh

At the mall there was a seance
just kids, no parents
then the sky filled with heron
(I saw the devil) In a Chrysler LeBaron
And the hell, it wouldn't spare us
(And the fires did declare us)
(But after that, took pills, kissed an heiress)
(And moved her back in Paris)

Can we get much higher
So high oh oh ohh oh oh ohhhh oh
dark fantasy是什么意思?

Dark Fantasy Kanye West (黑暗幻想曲)You might think you've picked a scene But you haven't The real ones far to mean The watered down one The one you know Was made up centuries ago It made it sound all wack and corny Yes, it's all full blasted boring Twisted fiction ...

deep dark fantasy

Deep♂Dark♂Fantasy - 仅存于深邃黑暗中的美好幻想!即使面对世间各种宛如深渊的黑幕,也要保持最初的纯真梦想的希望。

如何理解deep dark fantasy

deep dark fantasy什么意思 deep dark fantasy 深暗的幻想 重点词汇释义 fantasy幻想; 空想的产物; 幻想作品; 非正式的货币; 想像; 奏幻想曲 如何理解环境?84如何理解适应性 环境是以人类为主体的外部世界,即人类年赖于生存和发展的物质条件的整体.包括自然环境和社会环境. 环境具有三个最基...

如何理解deep ♂dark♂fantasy

deep♂dark♂fantasy是哲♂学家VAN DARKHOLME在被采访是所说的一句话,以为“深藏的黑暗幻想”整句话的意思为“van来满足一些人的黑♂暗幻想”理解为一些不为♂人知的秘♂密,也是鬼畜区的好素材

deep dark fantastic什么梗?

黑暗的、深邃的、非常棒的。来源于一部gay片的台词:deepdarkfantasy深邃黑暗的幻想多用来代指男男爱的欲望,只不过fantasy是名词幻想,fantastic是同根形容词,极好的意思表达了人们对于哲学男男爱风格的赞赏YOUDIED再一次显现在面前,我气得把绿白色手柄扔在沙发上。deepdarkfantastic 七周目马努斯给人带来...

如何理解deep ♂dark♂fantasy

deep♂dark♂fantasy是哲♂学家VAN DARKHOLME在被采访是所说的一句话,以为“深藏的黑暗幻想”整句话的意思为“van来满足一些人的黑♂暗幻想”理解为一些不为♂人知的秘♂密,也是鬼畜区的好素材

Deep Dark Fantasy什么意思?

Deep Dark Fantasy的意思是“深沉的黑暗幻想”。这个短语通常用于描述一种神秘、幽暗、充满想象力的氛围或主题。它可能涉及到黑暗、神秘、超自然、恐怖或性感的元素,这些元素在文学、电影、音乐和艺术等领域中经常被用来创造引人入胜的幻想世界。Deep Dark Fantasy可以激发人们的想象力,带领他们...


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DeepDarkFantasy的意思 DeepDarkFantasy是一个英文词汇,从字面翻译来看,“Deep”代表深沉或深度,“Dark”代表黑暗或阴暗面,“Fantasy”代表幻想或虚构的世界。因此,DeepDarkFantasy大致可以理解为深度黑暗幻想或者是一种黑暗幻想风格的领域。以下是该词汇的 1. 词汇构成:这个词汇由几个词组成,包括“Deep...



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