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英语作文“A interesting place”(初二)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 03:49



热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 13:12

yestrday our english teacter told our students a ting we would have a beautiful place for a visit.we all very excited.so toady we arrivedthere.there were many beautiful attractions.one of these is that special park.i have never seen so beautiful a park like this.so i tell my classmates loudly.that park consists of many stone tables,many colourful flowers~ we went home lately.the visit will be a vablueable memoral event in my head.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 13:13

Located on Udon-Loei Rd., about 20 Km from Udon Thani. You can see a monument of Loang-Poo-Kao. This famous monk is revered by the Thai people. This is one of the nicest and most peaceful in the world. The temple was built among the forest, which has a big cave that stores a big drum. The drum is used to tell the lunch time for all monk and people around the area. The low loud noise of the drum can be heard from far away. So people around this area use this symbol as the name of this temple.
This fall is located in the vicinity of Thab Kung Subdistrict, Nong Saeng District through Udon Thani - Nong Bua Lamphu route making left turn to reach Nong Saeng District being a distance of 45 kilometers and continuing by foot trip of five kilometers to the fall. Than Ngam is medium sized waterfall where one can swim in its. Reservoir and a foot trip can be made from the reservoir to reach the watershed.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 13:13

4.beautiful place for a visit (一个适合观光的美丽地方)
昭君怨诗词大全(5首昭君怨古词) 道是春来花未,道是雪来香异。竹外一枝斜,野人家。词中吟诵的是 萌萌带着自己的压岁钱去买笔记本,买了2本后还剩1.8元。如果买同样的笔记... ...1.8元,买同样的作业本四本差2.4元,作业本多少钱一本。给算得方法说... ...如果买同样的硬面钞4本则差2.40元,那么小明带了多少钱? 小明带一些钱去买作业本,买两本之后还剩1.8元;如果买同样的练习本4本则... 我的QQ总是被盗,烦死了,我总要改密码,怎样才不会被盗密码? 我跟一个好兄弟绝交了有1年9个月,没有联系没有来往,但我的心一直惦记... ...了。最近他听说我生病做手术回来了,就去班长那里问我的近况,加我... 请问神舟七号载人航天飞行的圆满成功,将对我国经济产生哪些积极影响... An interesting place(100字作文) 急要An inateresing piacein Hong Kong的英文作文(40分) 一篇英语作文An interesting place an interesting place英语作文 an interesting place英语作文 五年级水平不用很复杂 财物价格名词解释 想买个3000左右的台式电脑,主要玩游戏,求推荐品牌还有型号。 ...于小说,然后整天整天的通宵不睡觉看小说,该怎么办? 有一个“爱书如命”的爸爸是怎样一种体验? 有个喜欢看小说的老爸是怎样的体验? 你好LG Optimus 2X/P990 P993 SU660 移动卡上网速度怎么样 LG P990(Star)Optimus 2X 和三星 I9008L ,LG 970这3款手机哪一款综合最... LG P970和LG P990还有华为荣耀,求推荐,用过的人进来说一下。 k790与p990 LG P990可以吗?综合性能怎样? 【急急急急急急急急急急急急】爱情买卖 TAB 吉他谱(六线谱)简易的 满... 吉他这个六线谱怎么弹! 谁能给我推荐几篇木吉他谱.六线的, 有知道说下。 斯奇康有副作用吗? 请问你打斯奇康第几针见的效啊,之后过敏复发了么 an interesting place i have vised英语作文,十万火急。5分钟内请_百... 四年级英语状物作文:An interesting gae 薄背练背做这四个动作徒手无需器械 吃橘子好处吃橘子好处有哪些 格兰特伯奇 卡梅伦山谷巴罗撒赤霞珠葡萄酒属于什么类型 科朗福酒庄(Krondorf)是澳洲的酒庄吗 枇杷蜂蜜孕妇能喝吗 孕妇喝枇杷蜂蜜水的作用 刘亦菲版《神雕侠侣》中的古墓在哪里埰的景点??很漂亮~ 孕妇喝什么蜂蜜好 枇杷蜜孕妇能吃吗 怀孕五个月便秘能喝枇杷蜂蜜水吗 高二电解质溶液中离子浓度大小 无限稀的电解质溶液中 哪种离子的摩尔电导率最大 1 铝离子 2 钠离子... 电解一个含多种电解质的溶液时,阴极最先还原的正离子应是() (高一化学)关于电解质的问题 有关一个高中化学问题 清朝三大白话小说是什么 相城区元和街道卫生院公交怎么乘 ...怎么去苏州京沪高铁站就是苏州北(相城区元和街道、澄阳路以西... ...站到相城区元和街道元和科技园平康路6号怎么走,? 木渎到相城区元和街道合锦峰汇9期怎么走