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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 17:06




I've been thinking about going to the movies, and I finally got it today.On Sunday, although it was raining, at my strong request, my father and mother took me to the cinema.First, I came to the cinema opposite Wukang railway station, but after a circle, the cinema was c...


It is about 400 meters from my home to cinema. And I spend around 15 minutes go there every time. How do I get to cinema? Now, I'd like to give you the answer. Get out of the door of my home and just turn left, and go straight forward about 200 meters, then you ...


It is about 400 meters from my home to cinema. And I spend around 15 minutes go there every time. How do I get to cinema? Now, I'd like to give you the answer. Get out of the door of my home and just turn left, and go straight forward about 200 meters, then you ...


I am very busy on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, I am reading and watching movies. In the evening, I rest in my room.On Sunday morning, I watch TV and movies. In the afternoon, I play basketball with my good friends. We are very happy.In the evening, I go to the ...


Today,I want to go to the renaming park.I go straight for three minutes.Then turn left at the cinema.I see a bookstore.Then turn right.I get to it.


Last week, I saw a action film named xxxxx. The leading role of the film is ChengLong, The film was so attractive that I lost myself totally in it. I think it is just a film worth enjoying.


i want to go to renminpark . i'm gostraight .turn left at the cineme .then turn right at the post office.i see the renminpark.

帮我写五句六年级上册的英语作文,题目:《My hobby》 谢谢,一定好评!

My name is Li Xing. I have many hobbies, like reading, drawing, and playing computer games. Having hobby brings me a lot of fun. But what I like best is to collect stamps.My first stamp was given by my mother for nine years ago. It was so beautiful and amazing.From ...


我看过一部电影叫《海底总动员》,我在里面看到了美丽的海底世界,碧蓝碧蓝的海水里生活着许许多多的海洋生物,有可爱的章鱼姑娘和美丽的水母,还有善良的大海龟。大海里面还有很多漂亮的海藻、海葵、还有五颜六色的珊瑚。I watched a movie called "the story" hair, I saw the beautiful sea in the...


night,I am going to visit my grandparentsIn this weekend。星期日。Sunday,午饭后我要和我的好朋友们一起去看电影和踢足球.After that I will go home to do my homework,I can stay home and watch cartoons!在这个周末我有个计划,I have a plan。after lunch I have good friends and ...

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