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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-03 19:55



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 09:05


热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 09:06

Napoleon or a simple children, first by chance, his uncle asked Napoleon, grew up in future want to do what »Napoleon in listening to his uncle asked him after this, they immediately issued to endless The hearts of long-standing concept of the great vision. Napoleon from his small determined to serve the army, has said that France would like to lead the Xiongbing, swept through Europe, the establishment of an unprecedented super empire, and to make himself a great empire of the emperor. Unexpectedly, after listening to Uncle Napoleon's vision of small, were laughing it, pointing to small Napoleon's forehead, mocked: "utopian, all you have said are all fantasy! Want to be the French emperor« it is not possible ! In my opinion, you grow up, or to become a novelist, instead it easier to achieve your dream of the emperor. "Napoleon was small uncle Qiang this a while, has not Dongnu, but quietly go window , Pointing to the distant horizon, Renzhendewen: "Uncle, you can see the stars?那颗» "At this time or around noon, Napoleon's uncle surprised to go window, at a loss and said:" What Star »is now at noon, of course, can not see ah! Children, you will not be mad that it« "uncle once again face the challenge of small Napoleon is still calm and coolly said:" the stars ah ! I really see, it is still in Raise the horizon, regardless of day and night, and I have been to a flashing, it is my promising as long as it exists one day, my dream will never be shattered. "Facts ,the promising never Gaoxuan the sky, it had been hiding in the hearts of Napoleon, that is, he's ideal, and the great ideals. Since then he has the sky flying wings. From then on, he began his ideals and struggle. He started from a young age to receive a good ecation in France, and entered the Artillery Academy study, after graally revealed their military skills, he eventually established a vision of the empire.
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