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麻烦帮我翻译几句中文成英语 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 02:16



热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 17:04

Please wait for a while, we are testing it.
Sorry, I don't speak English. Please talk with my partner.
Wait for a moment.I will get a interpreter.
The problem has been resolved.
If there is no more question, I will go out first.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 17:05

1,Please wait a moment, we are testing now.
2. Excuse me , I know little about English,you can ask my friend.
3. please Wait a moment , I am finding translator.
4. The problem has been resolved.
5. If you do not have any question ,could I leave .

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 17:05

1. Please wait a moment, I (we) are testing now.
2. Sorry, I do not understand English, please speak with my partner.
3. Please wait a moment, I will find a translator.
4. The problem has been resolved.
5. If no problem, I will go out.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 17:06

1. Please wait a moment, I (we) are tested.
2. Sorry, I don't understand English, please speak with my partner.
3. Wait a moment, I'll find a translator.
4 problems had been solved.
5 if no problem, I went out first.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 17:07

1 wait a moment ,please.we are testing.
2 sorry,i cannot speak english,please talk to my partner
3 a moment, please,i will go and find you a interpreter.
4 Problem is solved.
5 if you don,t have any problem,can i leave now?
麻烦帮我翻译几句中文成英语 谢谢

1.请稍等,我(我们)正在测试.Please wait for a while, we are testing it.2.抱歉,我不懂英语,请和我搭档讲.Sorry, I don't speak English. Please talk with my partner.3.稍等,我去找个翻译员.Wait for a moment.I will get a interpreter.4.问题已经解决.The problem has been resolv...


1 it was lucky after the tests knowledge and understanding you. 2 I hope our friendship remains. 3 if I am at the age of 25 years old instead of 18 know you better. 4 you are a good person. 5 long distance calls are too expensive. 6, I think we are in each other's...


第一句是:智商 IQ, intelligence quotient 第二句是:很抱歉 (I'm) sorry 第三句是:再给我一次机会吧 Please give me another chance 第四句是:道歉 apology, 动词apologis(z)e 第五句是:你死了 You are dead, you are finished 第六句是:结束 Finish, conclude, (the) end, game ov...

请帮我把这几句日常用语翻译成英语 谢谢

it doesn't work.打不着火.


1、There are many programs on television technology and natural scenery. In this way, we can increase our knowledge of the world.2、On the other hand, for a long time to watch TV on the vision of harmful and a waste of learning time.3、In addition, there are some kids on...


Maybe someone is far from you now,but you may meet with him some day.有些人可能现在在你身边,但或许哪天就离你而去了。Maybe someone is near from you now,but he may apart from you some day.有些人即使一朝错过了,终究还有重逢的一天。Even if you lost him(her) one day,but ...

麻烦大家帮我翻译几个句子 由中文转化成英文 谢谢

1 I remember the good weather day, sunny, is Friday. Feeling very excited, very pleased with the school, but also a lot of pressure. They need to study hard.2 school some time ago he did not seize the moment and fun, not spend time on learning, to the end of a very ...


3、我们清洗、检查、修补和更换因为尺寸变化或损坏的工作服。We clean, check, mend and replace work clothes that are worn or altered in sizes.4、如果您的员工人数增加了,我们将增加额外的工作服。If you have employees added, we will add additional work clothes.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,...


1) the music sounds great 2)鱼味闻起来很难闻 2) fish smell bad 3)我各的很累 3) I each very tired 4)树叶变红了 4) leaves turn red 5)他变得很生气 5) he became very angry 6)星星看起来很亮 6) stars look very bright 7)这种食物吃起来很好吃 7) the food tastes ...


I never like living alone / on my own.4、明天的天气怎么样?What will the weather be like tomorrow?5、上海是中国最大的城市之一。Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.6、纽约是世界上最大的城市,没有之一。New York is the biggest city in the world.7、反复做同一件事...

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