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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-08 18:20



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 01:43

D是Dory M是Marlin 我也很喜欢海底总动员,希望传的这个能帮到你。

D:Yeah.Here comes the big one.Come on! You gotta try this!
-M:Will you just stop it?
-D:Why? What"s wrong?
M:We"re in a whale,don"t you get it?
-M:A whale!
M:You had to ask for help!And now we"re stuck here!
D:Wow, a whale.You know I speak whale.
M:No, you"re insane!You can"t speak whale!I have to get out!I have to find my son!I have to tell him how old sea turtles are!
Hey……Do you OK?
D:There, there.It"s all right.It"ll be OK.
M:No. No, it won"t.
D:Sure it will. You"ll see.
M:No. I promised him l"d never let anything happen to him.
D:Huh.That"s a funny thing to promise.
D:You can"t never let anything happen to him.Then nothing would ever happen to him. Not much fun for little Harpo.
M:What"s going on?
D:Don"t know. I"ll ask him.
[Making whale sounds]
D:[Making whale sounds]Whaaat's goooing onnn?
[Whale groans]
D:I think he says we"ve stopped.
M:Of course we"ve stopped. Stop trying to speak whale. You"ll make things worse. What is that noise?
M:Oh, no. Look what you did. The water"s going down. It"s…It's going down!
D:Really? You sure about that?
M:Look! Already it"s half empty!
D:I"d say it"s half full.
M:Stop that! It"s half empty!
[Whale groans]
D:OK, that one was a little tougher. He either said we should go to the back of the throat...or he wants a root beer float.
M:Of course he wants us to go there! That"s eating us! How do I taste, Moby? Do I taste good? Tell him l"m not interested in being lunch!
M:Stop talking to him!
D&M:Aah! Aah!
M:What is going on?
D:I"ll check. Whaaat...
M:No more whale! You can"t speak whale!
D:Yes, I can!
M:No, you can"t!
M:You think you can do these things, but you can"t, Nemo!
[Whale groans]
D:He says it"s time to let go.Everything"s gonna be all right.
M:How do you know? How do you know something bad isn"t gonna happen?
D:I don"t!
[Whale groans]
M:We'are alive到这儿他们就出来了。

1、让我们来宣读誓言:let us all say the pledge.我是一只好鲨鱼, 不是一只没有头脑只会吃的机器。i am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine.如果我要改变这个形象...lf i am to change this image...我必须要从改变自我开始。i must first change myself.2、如果这是什么玩笑的...


Good thing I was here. If I hadn't shown up-- 还好我在这里-- -He wasn't going to go. -He was too afraid. -他不会去的 -没错,他胆小 No, I wasn't. 不,不小 This does not concern you, kids... 好了,孩子们 我不怪你们...and you're lucky I don't tell your ...


《海底总动员》英语台词 Nemo: Wake up, wake up! First day of school.Marlin: I don't want to go to school—five more minutes.Nemo: Not you. Dad, me.Marlin: Ok.Nemo: Get up, get up. It's time for school, time for school.Marlin: All right, I'm up.Nemo: Whoa!Marli...


《海底总动员》经典台词英文台词1 None of them were walking,so forget that I but do we really need so much space?Hey,Marty,calm down.Don't u dare!Oh! Nemo!Ooh.Ohh.Nemo.We'll name one Nemo...Don't worry.We're gonna stay together as a group.and this half Coral Junior...


Yes,Marlin.No,I see it .It's beautiful.So,Coral,when you said u wanted an ocean view..u didn't think u'd get the whole ocean,did u?Oh,yeah.A fish can breathe out here.Did ur man deliver,or did he deliver?My man deliverd.-And it wasn't so easy.Because a lot ...

海底总动员英文台词、我们要比赛 急用!!

[26:29.31]-He's scared to death. -I want to go home. -他快要吓死了 -我要回家 [26:32.58]Do you know where my dad is? 谁知道我爸爸在哪?[26:34.65]Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store. 亲爱的,你爸爸 可能回宠物商店了 [26:37.45]Pet store? 宠物商店...


Crab#1: Hey.螃蟹甲:嗨!Crab#2: Hey.螃蟹乙:嗨!--- Dory: How about we play a game?多莉:我们玩个游戏怎么样?Marlin: All right.马林:行啊。Dory: Okay, I'm thinking of something orange, and it's small...多莉:好,我正在想着一种橙色的东西,并且它很小……Marlin: It's...


D是Dory M是Marlin 我也很喜欢海底总动员,希望传的这个能帮到你。D:Yeah.Here comes the big one.Come on! You gotta try this!-M:Will you just stop it?-D:Why? What"s wrong?M:We"re in a whale,don"t you get it?-D:Whale?-M:A whale!M:You had to ask for help!And ...

海底总动员 尼莫被抓那段英文台词

NEMO Hey guys, wait up! Whoa.TAD Cool.TAD Saved your life!PEARL Aw, you guys made me ink.NEMO What's that?TAD I know what that is. Oh, oh! Sandy Plankton saw one. He called, he said it was called a...a butt.NEMO Whoa.PEARL Wow. That's a pretty big butt.SHELDO...


Slow down, little fella.There's nothing to worry about.- He's scared to death.- I want to go home.Do you know where my dad is?Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store.Pet store?Yeah, you know, like,I'm from Bob's Fish Mart.- Pet Palace.- Fish-O-Rama....

海底总动员十句经典句子 海底总动员经典对白英文 海底总动员台词中英对照 海底总动员20句名句英文 海底总动员经典句子英文 海底总动员经典台词英文10句 海底总动员经典台词中英20句 海底总动员经典台词英文版 海底总动员英文版好词好句
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