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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-08 17:41



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 18:07

I admire Yang LiweiYang Liwei is great, is the touching story, the spirit of the people to praise, this is the pride of china.Manned space spirit is worth learning, special can enre hardship, to fight, to research, especially dedicated. Is the great people's praise, praise he is the pride of china. Because, he risked his life to study, to realize the flying Apsaras dream, for human progress and the spirit of selfless dedication.Of course, in this view, his performance is not very well known, but in a few years ago his achievement is inestimable. Now, the "Shenzhou", "Shenzhou" No. 6, No. 7 have been flying success, in the eyes of the Chinese scientific and technological progress is really great. For foreigners, China also is really remarkable, worthy of foreigners to praise the way China has not previously, China's development. Look at China's every kind of advanced weapons, advanced technology, the development of socialist proctive forces, it is the progress of the times, but also the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China, leading the Chinese people to go on the prosperity, the people be in power, become the real master.Yang Liwei deeds, is great. It is worth learning his spirit of the manned space flight, is not measurable by money. Because it means life and blood, means youth contribution. He before the flight, already wrote his will, because he knows, he will be very happy if successful, if you fail this is his dedication to the people, he knows life lies not in the length is dedication. This shows that Yang Liwei is a noble spirit quality.Life is happy. Life is full of happiness, people have their own occupation, no matter who, should understand that they have an inescapable responsibility on the shoulders, fighting to the end, is not important is not successful, you can examine oneself, feeling no shame to say that I try.
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