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保密协议 英文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 15:43



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 07:21

1. Since the date of entry into force of this Agreement, to the two sides reached a formal performance of the contract after the project contract and contract ring the ten years from the date of termination, Party B Party obtained from project-related or because of business generated by the project of Party the secret be kept confidential. If the two sides failed to reach the final formal project contract, then the B confidentiality period from the date of the signing of this Agreement fifteen years.

2. Any party at any time for any period shall not exercise its rights under this Agreement, and can not explain the side has given up that right.
Without the consent of the other may not assign any of the parties under this Agreement in whole or any part of the right. The two sides reach an agreement without the prior written observations, this Agreement shall not for any other reason to change. Unless the meaning of this Agreement to any representation or guarantee that fraulent, this Agreement has been included both the full understanding of the contract matters, it can replace the previous all means that the written materials, negotiation or understanding.

1. Since the date of entry into force of this Agreement, to the two sides reached a formal performance of the contract after the project contract and contract ring the ten years from the date of termination, Party B Party obtained from project-related or because of business generated by the project of Party the secret be kept confidential. If the two sides failed to reach the final formal project contract, then the B confidentiality period from the date of the signing of this Agreement fifteen years.
2. Any party at any time for any period shall not exercise its rights under this Agreement, and can not explain the side has given up that right. <br>Without the consent of the other may not assign any of the parties under this Agreement in whole or any part of the right. The two sides reach an agreement without the prior written observations, this Agreement shall not for any other reason to change. Unless the meaning of this Agreement to any representation or guarantee that fraulent, this Agreement has been included both the full understanding of the contract matters, it can replace the previous all means that the written materials, negotiation or understanding.

Non-Disclosure Agreement为保密协议, 如下为一个Mutural Non-Disclosure Agreement,共同保密协议ABC公司(以下称为ABC),其总部设于---,与XYZ(以下称为XYZ),其总部设于---,鉴于本协议的共同契约条款,谨达成如下协议:1.在协议双方有关策略性联盟(此后称为“主题事项事项”)的磋商问题上,本协议一方可以在保密的基础...



保密协议 英文翻译

1. Since the date of entry into force of this Agreement, to the two sides reached a formal performance of the contract after the project contract and contract during the ten years from the date of termination, Party B Party obtained from project-related or because of business gene...

协议 英文怎么翻译 谢谢

Agreement不同的协议前面加不同的词Non-Disclosure Agreement 保密协议Exclusive Agency Agreement 独家代理协议Quality Assuarance Agreement 质量保证协议


witnesseth :而该公司和hhc正在讨论潜在的业务安排,交易或关系( "项目" ) ;而本协议阐述的条款及条件依据,其中一部分furhering此类项目,各方将披露信息的一个专有和机密性,以对方;而作为条件,以这种披露,每一方当事人同意接受信息(定义见下文)表示,已经或可能会透露,由或代表另一方,无论...

能帮忙翻译一下这个保密协议吗 谢谢



1. herein 在合同、协议中一般翻译成“兹”,就是“在此特别...”2. in its capacity 此处 capacity 为“资格,地位,职位[C]”He said that in the capacity as mayor.他是以市长的身份说那番话的。3. disclose 披露 4 party 一般翻译成“××方”或“单方”,“party A”标准文件中翻译...


的约定,___(___,以下简称为“ESI”)向___ (以下简称为“___”) 提供___保密信息,现___和___ [插入公司名称和地址](以下简称为“公司”)就该ESI保密信息的有关事宜经过友好协商,共同达成本互相保密协议,协议自2005年___月__日正式生效。 1. The Company and ESI each agree not to divulge to ...


双方都应保持严格保密的保密信息,谈判和讨论,对于预期的关系。Each Party acknowledges that the Confidential Information provided to the other Party is in all respects confidential and proprietary in nature, and agrees that any Confidential Information provided will be used solely in connection ...


Party:B:A, B both sides follow equality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation, under the principle of good faith on matters of confidentiality of trade secrets Party reached the following agreement:(A) Confidentiality content 1. Party's trade secrets, including ...


已经将合同、发票和保密协议邮寄出了,I have posted the Contracts,invoices and Confidential Agreement already.不出意外,应该在下周一送达 They may be delivered to your place next Monday,if ithere is nothing unexpected.

互相保密协议的英文 保密协议英语简称 保密协议中英文对照 nda保密协议英文 请查收附件资料英文 保密协议缩写 用户隐私政策英文怎么说 保密协议nda全称 临床研究保密协议英文翻译
黄山区中通快递派件时间 今天早上五点的中通快递从合肥中转部运往黄山市最快什么时候到达目的地... 从郑州往安徽黄山要寄一件衣服,用什么方式好呢?还有就是如果用快递的... 从徐州出发2天一夜自驾游哪里好_徐州周边2日自驾游!合适的推荐下_百度... 喝茶时加糖有助缓解工作压力 喝茶 可以放糖吗? 喝茶时到底能不能在茶里面加“糖”? 喝茶加糖不营养?茶应该这么喝 solidworks flow simulation 问题,请各位大侠解答,谢谢! 三十首正能量歌曲有哪些 涂布机配套高效空气过滤器需要耐高温多少度呢? 小学1-6年级音乐知识 保密协议部分内容的英文翻译·· site和domain分别代表什么意思? 空气悬架这种配件,为什么高端车才有可能配备? 英文合同若干条款翻译(保密协议) site.filetype什么意思 在人群密集的公共场所配备高效空气净化器,是有可能的吗? 在搜索引擎中 site:和filetype: 怎么用 小学六年级音乐复习资料 简约干练又大气、显高又显瘦、大气又不会出错的穿搭你知道哪些? 《王者荣耀》宫本武藏被削弱了多少次? 北京核酸检测多少钱歹月15日之后从此京到陕西省需要做核酸检测吗? 600左右的二手手机性价比排行? site:和inurl:命令的区别! 新风系统的过滤精度该怎么选择? 佛山市社会保险档次 关于北京核酸价格降到80元一事,你有何看法? 有哪些性价比高的安卓二手手机值得推荐? 王者荣耀宫本怎么用才厉害,个人觉得伤害不高 显高又显瘦、简单又大气的穿搭是哪些你知道吗? 谁帮我翻译一下这两段保密协议中的条款,谢谢了! 如何在北京农村租房 “保密协议”怎么用英文说阿? 空气能配置 怎么样才算好? 英文保密协议求翻译 安家楼村怎么样?好不好?值不值得买? 请翻译,有关保密协议中的条款 李小萌穿皮衣配阔腿裤高级大气,你觉得她的穿搭如何? 如何认识太平天国农民战争的意义和失败的原因、教训 北京安家楼村租户车辆为什么不让进? 家装配电问题,如何配空气开关 太平天国农民起义失败的原因和教训是什么? 求翻译保密协议以下条款 北京鸿盛恒运投资管理有限公司怎么样? “保密协议”怎么翻译?会法律英语的帮帮忙拉~~ 高转煤气混合加热炉如何配比空气 目前性价比高的手机二手的也行? 北京朝阳区朝外大街离安家楼55号有多远 英语保密协议翻译