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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 01:02



热心网友 时间:2024-02-23 21:41

1 Cor 11:13 是哥林多前书11章3节--我愿意你们知道,*是各人的头;男人是女人的头;神是*的头。 Eph 4:5是以弗所书4章5节--一主、一信、一洗 Sgs 6:8 应是旧约圣经章节,明天查到后再补充。
参考: 圣经
[Sgs 6:8] 'One is my dove
my perfect one. She is the only one
the chosen of her who bore her.' Shall be from Song of Songs (雅歌)
but we usally use abbreviation as SSol or SS I think your quote is not correct. In the bible
it should refers to SSol 6:9 雅 歌6:9 [hb5] 我 的 鸽 子 、 我 的 完 全 人 、 只 有 这 一 个 、 是 他 母 亲 独 生 的 . 是 生 养 他 者 所 宝 爱 的 。 众 女 子 见 了 、 就 称 他 有 福 . 王 后 妃 嫔 见 了 、 也 赞 美 他 。 [kjv] My dove
my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother
she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her
and blessed her; yea
the queens and the concubines
and they praised her. [bbe] My dove
my very beautiful one
is but one; she is the only one of her mother
she is the dearest one of her who gave her birth. The daughters saw her
and gave her a blessing; yes
the queens and the servant-wives
and they gave her praises. ************************************************************************** Cor is Corinthi
1 Cor is 哥林多前书
2 Cor is 哥林多后书 哥林多前书 11:3 [hb5] 我 愿 意 你 们 知 道 、 基 督 是 各 人 的 头 . 男 人 是 女 人 的 头 、   神 是 基 督 的 头 。 [kjv] But I would have you know
that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. [bbe] But it is important for you to keep this fact in mind
that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man
and the head of Christ is God. ************************************************************************** Eph is Ephesi (以弗所书) 以弗所书 4:5 [hb5] 一 主 、 一 信 、 一 洗 、 [kjv] One Lord
one faith
one bapti ***
[bbe] One Lord
one faith
one bapti ***

参考: o-bible
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