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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 01:50



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 09:54

As is known to all,we get energy from food,and depend on food to sustain life .However ,along with the economic development of our country,our food safety has more and more bee a social problem .Such as clenbuterol event (瘦肉精事件)、tainted bean sprout event (毒豆芽事件)and so on .Those food safety problems bring damages to humans and society ,which are as follows:
Firstly,some food safety problems bring about some economic loss ,and to some
extent ,human's health are injured .Second ,those food safety problems have an important influence on the development of food business .Last but not least ,As those food safety problems e up ,our civilians will have some fear to buy some food which have been the past time (过期),when they go to the food market .
After knowing those food safety problems ,we should take measurs to avoid problems and damages .The government can strengthenmanagement of the food market .In addidtion,people can superintend(监督) with each other .
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