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Chiara Civello的《Trouble》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 18:55



热心网友 时间:2024-05-19 23:58

歌手:Chiara Civello
专辑:Last Quarter Moon

oh oh were in trouble
somethings come along and its burst our bubble
yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble
gotta make a dash for the cash on the double
oh no no
the party was great yeah we were really thrilled
but the bad man came and were gonna get killed
we got some style but we got no money
now the jokes on us and it aint f f funny...
oh oh were in trouble
somethings come along and its burst our bubble
yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble
were deep in do do and we dont have a shovel
we couldnt get a cab cuz we aint got no money
we missed the last train but we thought dont worry
wed get the night bus but the night bus never came
were 8 miles from home and its starting to icky icky icky
oh oh were in trouble
somethings come along and its burst our bubble
yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble
book us a ticket on the next plane shuttle
we tried to steal a car but we soon realised
we got on the road but non of us could drive
the policeman came along and they took us for a ride
and when we get home were gonna get... gonna get... gonna get fried!
oh oh were in trouble
somethings come along and its burst our bubble
yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble
we gotta make a dash for the cash on the double
oh oh
what u lukin at!!!!!
oh oh were in trouble
somethnigs come along and its burst our bubble
yeah yeah oh oh were in trouble
were deep in do do and we dont have a shovel
in trouble....
oh no no!!
in trouble...
its st trinians
in trouble....
what you lookin at!!!
in trouble....

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