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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 18:52



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 18:19

The development of CDs
when you listen to the music, have you ever thinking about how it bring out? And what’s the meaning about ‘digital revolution’?
We should talk about since 1982;the discs were not vinyl records like now. The sound of music was so crisp and clear that people had to buy new machines to play to replace their record collections.
The CD was slow to catch on, because the price is too high. Nevertheless, when all and major stars began to release albums on the new media, people did start accepting these new discs. Furthermore, since then (digital) DVD has largely superseded (analogue) videocassette for delivering films by 1988, sales of (digital) CDs had outstripped sales of (analogue) records.
The sound waves like the wavy groove of a record (an analogue), which are represented by a succession of binary numbers instead in digital technology. It represents the digits 0and 1 and contains tiny indentations on the underside of a CD.
In this way, the quality of recorded sound on a CD is much higher than before. However, a smaller amount of digital information before long, which very close to CD quality can be recorded but far fewer binary digits per second. This led to the development of compressed audio formats, which is what we have known –‘MP3’ (MPEG layer 3). This format can makes images and video can converts into a stream of binary digits, which called ‘digitised’
With the increasing popularity of personal computers, digital technology was much uptakes in the late 1980s and 1990s. For the power processing of personal computers, the binary digits required was able to manipulate the large numbers by computer-based ‘multimedia’.
Now, we can use digital technologies in many ways, such as digital television signals, digital mobile telephones, capture video, even more digital music on CD or mp3 players, all digital technologies are doning is manipulating streams of binary digits in any way.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 18:19

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