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这是什么歌 给我歌名

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 13:00



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 15:37


  Akia(Feat.K'ream) - California
  [Verse 1]
  Starin out my window at you
  Gettin by aint the same without you
  And I aint the same without you
  Can't even do my thing without you
  So Long
  To the one I Love
  And I remember how it was
  I wish I could be back there cuz
  I wanna be back where I can...
  Take the top off the ride
  We can cruise around
  Listen to the sound as the sun goes down
  And there's a party goin on every corner
  Thatz why i gotta be in California
  We can take the top off the ride
  And hit the shore
  We can hit sunset
  We can hit the stores
  And there's a party goin on every corner
  Thatz why i gotta be in California
  [Verse 2]
  Starin out my window at you
  Gettin by aint the same without you
  But life aint the same without you
  Cuz I know that it will be too long
  Before I see you
  Tears from my eyes cry too
  Tears from my eyes cry too
  I love it when the breeze comes through
  So as soon as I get back I'm gonna...
  Top of the ride
  We can cruise around
  Listen to the sounds till the sun goes down
  And there's a party goin on every corner
  Thatz why i gotta be in California Baby
  Top off the ride
  And hit the shore
  We can hit sunset
  There aint no better sunset
  We in the city with the cadillacs
  The chevolets
  And it be sunny every day
  It never rains
  And we be in 'em Drop Top
  Wit Hop Hop
  Gettin 3 wheels lookin for the spots
  With them mamis in the party pants
  And cornrows
  Thatz anywhere from Crenshaw to Melrose
  We ridin down sunset
  Long as i got a blunt left
  If you can smell you can tell
  I'm from the west


热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 15:37


《say you never》
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