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Sorry,it's too small.You have a ___ (large) size.don't you?要原因...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 11:52




small是小的意思。读音:英 [smɔ;720;l]     美 [smɔːl]中文:adj. 小的;年幼的;少的;不重要的;小气的;adv. 小地;小块地;小声地;n. 狭小部分;(pl.)零星物品;(pl.)小件衣服.例句:用作形容词 (adj.)This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来...


(尺寸、数量、程度等)小的not large in size, number, degree, amount, etc.a small house/town/car/man小房子;小镇;小型汽车;小个子男人A much smaller number of students passed than I had expected.通过考试的学生比我预计的少得多。They're having a relatively small wedding.他们的婚礼...

电影大鱼 经典台词(中英对照)

金鱼呆在小鱼缸里永远不会变大。若有更多空间,它们将会数倍化成长。4、They said when you meet the love of your life,time stops.And that's true.What they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.人们说当你遇上你的挚爱时,时间会暂停。...


l` m sorry, you and your friend can` t sit together because we are very full this evening.” “哦 ,是的,Mr. Guppy ”售票员说,“这里有您的两张票G4和P12,实在对不起,您和您的朋友不能坐在一起了,因为我们剧院今天晚上人实在是太满了。” Poor, Mr. Guppy. He smiled sadly, walked out o...


\x0d\x0aA:Good ideaA 好主意。\x0d\x0aB:What are you going to buy? 你要买什么?\x0d\x0aA:Let's check out the fruit section first. 我们先去看看水果吧。\x0d\x0aB:OK. I'd like some oranges. But they don't look quite ripe yet. 好的。我想买些橘子。但这些看...


6. Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜点吗?Check 付钱 1. How can I pay? 我要如何付钱?2. May I write a check for you? 我能开支票吗?3. Do you take traveler’s checks? 你们接受旅行支票吗?4. Sorry, we don’t take checks. 对不起,我们不接受支票.5. How ...


”but it's forty floors!” thay said. “但它的40层” ! 他们说。 ”we'll talk as we climb ,”Jim said.” You can tell me the new jokes you've heard “我们会继续谈,因为我们攀登, ”吉姆说, “你能告诉我新的笑话你听说过 and when we get to my apartment i'll tell you a story...


But its small size, don't take him away, data too large, not a band. The anxiety, the ship's computer help system way: "this person has a small stick can solve all of your problems..." Then she could see light suddenly, smile and keep slobber said to the man:"... The U disk...


12、- Meimei, it’s kind of you to help me with my English. -__A__.A. My pleasure B. You’re all right C. No problem D. It’s my work13、The river is too deep. You’d better __ it by yourself.A. don’t cross B. not do crossC. not across D. not cross14、Henan ...


七:完全,缩略形式: I'm=I am he's=he is she's=she is they're=they are you're=you are there's=there is they're=they are can't=can not don't=do not doesn't=does not isn't=is not aren't=are not let's=let us won't=will not I'll=I will wasn't=was not 总结:通常...

高级项目管理师报考条件是什么 高级项目管理师报考条件 裱花蛋糕是什么意思 手机卡住了,按关机按不了怎么办呢? vivo手机卡住了屏幕不动也没法关机? 金山毒霸和360安全卫士哪个好用? 生咖啡:嗅觉和肉眼检验以及杂质和缺陷的测定内容简介 四川东柳醪糟有限责任公司公司产品与服务 有什么出名的特色酒酿? 给暗恋对象送什么花 食品添加剂包括什么? This room is fine except in one respect;it's too small.翻译 去日本留学一定要圆形章吗?我本来就有一个小的方形私章,用那个行吗... it's to small for me改错 it'ssosmall和istoosmall的区别 梦见爬山时遇见前男友 为什么说登山是最能考验感情的运动呢? 野线爬嵩山(遇见……) 日本男子登山时徒手击退黑熊,遇到黑熊具体应该怎样做? 登山遇见作文 2023国考进面分数线什么时候公布 泰坦之旅——常见bug解析 泰坦之旅猫眼是什么技能 泰坦之旅永恒余烬DLC新专精内丹大师技能分析 婴儿游水用什么圈好洗游记婴儿游水圈的挑选技巧 光绪元宝造币总厂 今天我们深切缅怀孙中山等革命先驱的历史功勋有何现实... 合肥职工医保生育险怎么报销 东风多利卡有六米二长两米四宽的宽的车型吗 八年级期末测试题 东风多利卡双排座消防车的外形尺寸和底盘型号是多少啊? 日本留学必备物品之印章 lt'stoobigforme的反义句? 去日本留学需要用到哪些印章,哪里有的卖专业的日本印章? 越橘叶黄素什么人不能服用 十岁女孩能吃善元堂越橘维生素A软胶囊吗? 青少年能吃越橘维生素a 海蓝之谜全球代言人是谁 阿纯推荐过的面霜有哪些 五月莱索托是什么季节? 帮我翻译出来,急急急急,谢谢 中国的春天莫斯科是什么季节 自己带出来的人,被同行挖走了,心理佷郁闷 什么何什么 填字组成语 何是第2个字 英国的郡相当于中国的什么 临汾闹他小院一般几点开门 原浆酒的歧途认知 ...别人对我失望的表情?一旦看到别人对我失望我特别害怕,很害怕... 很怕别人对自己失望的星座? 为什么总害怕别人对自己失望? 比如说我某次受到集体的肯定,大家对我鼓... NA车牌是那个国家的车牌