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跪求作文 City Problems 120字左右

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 08:58



热心网友 时间:2024-03-26 16:17


The urban environment problem is by human economic and social development and the harmonious relation between the environment destruction, mainly is not reasonable use of resources and caused by the waste. Urban environment problems form the main air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, waste pollution, etc. B resources and city environment; Whether resources can get reasonable use, and urban environment has the close relation. Reasonably, make full use of resources, and actively use no pollution or less pollution resources, is to control the instrial pollution and improve the environment of the basic measures. C population and environment problem; Control of the city's population, the urban population growth and environment harmonious development, and urban environment protection is an important measure; D economic development and urban issues; E city environmental protection and management measures; Our country at the conclusion of the environmental protection of the experiences and lessons are put forward on the basis of "three is given priority to" environmental protection management measures: A organization to place the Lord; B means to legislation and planning for the Lord; C on environmental quality assessment methods to give priority to. (2) the urban transportation problem; A traffic problems of city form: traffic jam; The traffic accident; Public transportation, The pacers problem; Parking problem; B our urban traffic problems: our urban traffic of the seriousness of this problem; Our urban traffic the reasons; C foreign urban transportation development strategy: the strong center slightly; Completely motorization strategy; Weak central slightly; Low cost strategy; Restricted traffic strategy; To solve the traffic problem city D the way: A city traffic problems of comprehensive: reasonable decorate attract people's public buildings; A comprehensive grasp city guest, the current source handled, flow and flow, adjust urban traffic operation; Reasonable organization of city traffic operation strategy line and time; B the urban traffic facilities: distinguish different function of the road properties; Set up a perfect road system; Improve the old road system; Form the ground, underground combining the transportation hub; (3) city housing problems; Our country city housing problem: residential construction can't satisfy the population growth and the people's living the need of improvement; The current housing system has not been overcome shortcomings; City wei shantytown, walking difficult transformation; Implement housing system reform insufficient ideal; To solve the problems in urban residential, must build a house, build room, as far as possible to meet demand. Housing reform is the reform of economic system is the important component of the propulsion of housing reform with prices, wages, finance, financial, plan, etc reform are inseparable. Therefore, the reform, the reform must have related supporting implementation, both neither can act too hastily, also can't negative for; (4) urban social problem; A the employment problem; B poverty; C the old problem; D lack of social responsibility; E race and the social dispute; F inner city problem.
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