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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 08:57



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 09:35

my past,now and future
The memory of my past always makes me feel sad,because I was not good at wrting in English before.When I had a writing homework ,I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not get good grades in English.
Now,I have changed,I love writing in English and I got a full match in a writing exam last week.My all seccessing is because of my English teasher XXX.She(He)tauch me how to writing well and told me the interests of English.I practiced it everyday though I felt a little tired sometimes.I'm very happy for my progress.
In the future,I think I'll be an English teacher,I know the difficulty of writing in English,so I believe I'll be able to teach students well,and I'll make them love English just like what XXX teacher did for me.

I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not get good grades in English.


My beautiful hometown My hometown is… Waists, population, in the mountains, there are many trees and flowers. But a certain season.Mountain was covered with colorful flowers. Really wonderful! The mountain with water and life, the feeling is really "rain attendance."Ah. The sunset...


英语作文有关以前和现在的比较如下:In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better be...


Take my family for example. My parents contacted others mainly by sending them letters in the past. But now we Call long distance at home. And once my parents listened to the radio for news and other information. But now we get the news by watching TV. Another big change is in my liv...


I had to take a bus to go back home. I forgot to see the busroute when I got on. Therefore, when the bus was more and more far from myhome, I felt anxious. Finally, I got the last stop, and then took the same bus backhome. When I told my parents my story, they...


In recent years, there are many changes in my home town.No matter the environment,the traffic,or even the city image.All these changes are improve the city view and commercial value.And it is our residents' honour.As a whole, to the changes of our city,the advantages far ...

求一篇英语作文 题目为My hometown changed(我的家乡变了)

My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great...


rooms, one kitchen andtwo bathrooms. My sister and I live in the same room and we live on the second floor. ( There is a small garden behind the house. And there are many flowers and some trees in the garder,too. My home is always clean and tidy). I like my home ...

"My Home"50字英语作文

我有一个的温暖home.I爱我的家。进了大门,你会看到一个大客厅room.Turn的左侧是kitchen.If,直走,然后我们可以看到三个rooms.Central哪个房间是mine.It的是并不大,但很sweet.Room充满了我最喜欢的旁边的房间doll.My父母。这是我在home.A可爱的家。我如何学英语 您好,的男孩和girls.Today,我想...

求一篇关于 my hometown 的英语作文,我是梅州客家的。尽量用简单的单词...

of hills in my home town. Standing on the hill, you will see the entire beauty of my hometown and lose yourself in what you can see from the hill when the light breeze blows on your face. It’s not a little fascinating more than you can imagine. I love my hometown!

五年前的我和现在的我英语作文 五年前和现在的变化英语作文 六年前和现在的英语作文 以myhome为题写一篇英语作文 五年前五年后英语作文 myhome英语作文带翻译四年级 myhome英语作文四年级 以my home为题的英语作文 myhome英语作文50字四年级
在韩国怎样申请到电视台观看综艺节目? 中南财经政法大学和西南财经大学哪个的会计学要好,各自就业怎么样... 思享公益丨法学高校巡回中南财专场:直系学姐带来亚洲最大法学院的超全... 中南财大每年推免的比例大概是多少? 英国学生公寓户型全解析 第一次办港澳通行证,湖南人在广东,如果办的话在广东可不可以办? 湖南人第一次可以在佛山办港澳通行证 求CLANNAD动漫图片要渚跟她女儿的图片像这种的要好看的只要多好看悬赏我... 求CLANNAD动画里所有人的图片 91wan街机三国元宝2000个多少? 所以我的英语取得了很大进步的英文怎么说 ...下我在英语写作上已经取得了很大进步(in English writing) I’ll make more progress in my English study with you helping me... 求两篇英语作文.60字左右的.拜托拜托! 下巴长好还是下巴短好 下巴长且尖生性淡泊名利 下巴短一点好看还是长一点好看 my progress有关的作文 写英语作文!!! 短下巴 好看还是长下巴好看? 我英语成绩提高了英文 《文学的品味》:英国著名作家本涅特的文学品位养成指南 我生活在平凡中-一只雄鹰的自述作文素材 你认为还应该如何去读名著 我觉得美女应该去百合才对,配给男人太浪费了,你们觉得呢 著名文学书籍带给人的正确思想是什么? 一个男生,喜欢百合 喜欢看百合电影,这是为什么? 小议“怎样处理读流行作品与经典名著的关系”作文,,,是议论文哦... 假如我是一只老鹰作文_900字 中国现役的驱逐舰有多少 policer 和police 一样吗 喝水后,很快排泄,这样喝水还有用吗? 腹泻后,为什么不能喝开水? 拉肚子两天可以喝水吗m ...you kindly take your seats?是下加状语还是方式状语?怎样翻译? 占座的英文怎么说 这叫什么小说???主人公叫林凡 ...1*2*1.5与kvvp 2*1.5两种电缆有什么区别,可互换吗? kvv电缆和kvvp有什么区别? 护士为患者测量心率、脉率,正确的方法是 一般体检测量脉搏的方法中,正确的是 宋时归有几个女主啊 如何保养地面柏桩? 杨铁成是哪个公司的?国机通用独立董事 唱二人转王二叫什么名 合肥通用机械研究院,待遇怎样 合肥通用机械研究院招聘一般要求是什么学历,环境工程相对应的专业部门有... 三鲜馅的饺子的馅子主料配料都有些什么 全新版大学英语综合教程第二版 答案(注意是第二版) 急啊!!!1 谁还记得英语中虚拟语气的规律啊 2014年谷陇九二七预赛项目斗牛