发布时间:2023-07-09 15:21
时间:2024-10-24 21:35
功成身退的英文! Step back when both fame & fortune is achieved. or Retire after succeeded.
参考: SELF
功成身退 to bow out when a feat is achieved. 功成名遂 to enjoy fame and fortune when a feat is achieved.
:) Retreat after success Direct trlation: Retire once your purpose is achieved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 出自 老 子: 「道 德 经」 : 第 九 章 持 而 盈 之 , 不 如 其 已 ﹔ 揣 而 锐 之 , 不 可 长 保 。 金 玉 满 堂 , 莫 之 能 守 ﹔ 富 贵 而 骄 , 自 遗 其 咎 。 (功 遂 身 退) , 天 之 道 也 。 TaoDeChing from Lao Tze Chapter Nine: Retire Fill a cup to its brim and it is easily spilled; Temper a sword to its hardest and it is easily broken; Amass the greatest treasure and it is easily stolen; Claim credit and honour and you easily fall; (Retire once your purpose is achieved) - this is natural.
参考: me & chinapage/gnl#09
1) glorious retreat. 2) glamorous retreat 3) graceful retreat
功成名遂:to gain both success and fame
The work being The name satisng