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If Tomorrow Came 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 18:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 13:32

歌曲名:If Tomorrow Came
专辑:Poetry for the Poisoned

album: Poetry For The Poisoned
released on September 10, 2010
I'm not sure if she could ease your pain
You've been gone for awhile
Crushed you heart and soul and teased your bane
Hush your mouth, here she comes
Watch out!
She can see you like the hounds of Hell
Smell your fear when you flee
Here she comes velvet ocean paradise
The power sorceress
At your fingertips
God made flesh, perfect Alibi
You saw her walking over poison ivy leaves
Nobody knows her name
But something must have opened your eyes it seems
'Cause nothing is quite the same
I'm not sure about a thing you know
Days are long in the haze
Here she comes velvet ocean paradise
The power sorceress
Get a glimpse of God
Here she comes with her good advice
You wanted every single moment you've resigned
Knowing there's none to blame
You might as well, I swear on my life you tried
As if tomorrow came
Searching in the deepest forest
Merging with belief you saw her
All you've seen and all you've known
Tells you that she kept you warm
You saw her walking over poison ivy leaves
Nobody knows her name
And something must have opened your eyes it seems
'Cause nothing is quite the same
You wanted every single moment you've resigned
Knowing there's none to blame
You might as well, I swear on my life you tried
As if tomorrow came

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