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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 17:53



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 06:10

Benifits of Exercise

Exercise play an important role in our life .It can have many unexpected benifits on the body .

People often think exercise can bring health for us, but in fact, every thing has two sides. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. But you don’t worry, you can eat some food which is rich in iron, in order to supplement the iron loss. But exercise’s merit is more than shortcoming. First, exercise can help us consume superfluous fat, keep a good figure. Second, when we tired after work or study, if we do some exercise, it can promote blood circulation, lessen stress, make ourselves happiness. Third ,exercise can enhance immunity, make us have a health body.

The merit effects of exercise too numerous to mention indivially, so we should do more exercise to keep healthy.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 06:10


Exercise can have many unexpected benifits on the body ,it could appear that these benifits can both be unexecpetedly good and occalianlly bad .I belive, everyone still exercise day after day ,it would have an unexpected benifits
Exercise can be barorneters of good health ,from a simple examination of the colour face and general condition of you body .you can spot whether you are suffering from a whole range of ailments .running can improve force of our body .when we worked and studyed it could provide energy ,we will feel energetic ,we have enough energy deal with everything .
I belive the benefits of exercise can be far greater than we often imagine .so everyone should exercise on the morning .it's clear that brain benifits from exercise .
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