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一首英文歌,歌词有Clothes should be change 叫什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 09:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 14:54

  The Emperor's New Clothes
  歌手:Sinead O'Connor 专辑:I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
  Sinead O'Connor - The Emperor's New Clothes

  It seems like years since you held the baby
  While I wrecked the bedroom
  You said it was dangerous after Sunday
  And I knew you loved me
  He thinks I just became famous
  And that's what messed me up
  But he's wrong
  How could I possibly know what I want
  When I was only twenty-one?
  And there's millions of people
  To offer advice and say how I should be
  But they're twisted
  And they will never be any influence on me
  But you will always be
  You will always be

  But I treated you mean
  I really didn't mean to
  But you know how it is
  And how a pregnancy can change you

  I see plenty of clothes that I like
  But I won't go anywhere nice for a while
  All I want to do is just sit here
  And write it all down and rest for a while
  I can't bear to be in another city
  One where you are not
  I would return to nothing without you
  If I'm your girlfriend or not

  Maybe I was mean
  But I really don't think so
  You asked if I'm scared
  And I said so

  Everyone can see what's going on
  They laugh `cause they know they're untouchable
  Not because what I said was wrong
  It might be brave
  I will live by my own policies
  I will sleep with a clear conscience
  I will sleep in peace

  Maybe it sounds mean
  But I really don't think so
  You asked for the truth and I told you

  Through their own words
  They will be exposed
  They've got a severe case of
  The emperor's new clothes
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