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请根据所给提示写一篇大约70词左右的英语短文 提示 when did

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 10:32



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 13:11


I am from the third grade primary school started to learn English, so far, I have been learning English for seven years. I like English very much, often study English outisde, therefore, my English is getting better and better. In order to let my English achievement rises steadily, I decided the next semester to do the following three: first, every day at least read English twenty minutes. Secondly, keeping a diary in English every day. Finally, buy a Book of English novels and persisted in reading. I believe, as long as I can insist on more than a few, I 'll learn English better.追问你写的很棒!!就是有些生词我不懂~~5555,其实我还蛮喜欢英文歌的!!


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 13:12

I have learned English for over xx years began with my parity school studying. Personally speaking, I consider English as a general useful tool for communication. And the goal wu learn English is overweigh the test. Beside school, I offten chat with people in English to enhance my speaking. Whatmore, it is a special feeling when you see foreign movie and TV program or linstening the english songs whit understanding the meanings.
As a student, I notice my short term appearantly.Thus, to enhance my English, I just parpare to do more reading , linstening and speaking. so, maybe reciting some passages from the NEW CONCEPT and read the English news as more as possiable. At last, i so greaceful if you can give me some advises.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 13:12

I first learned English in primary school in Hong Kong, and I left Hong Kong for England when I was only 16. I carried on learning ever since. My children and grandchildren were all born in the UK. My daughter-in-law is also English. Therefore, I have to speak English all the time. It has become my first language and my second mother tongue. But because I lost my hearing when I was very young. I wasn't able to learn English very well. In fact I can't hear the TV. I need to turn on the subtitle everytime when I watch it. Otherwise I dont know what they were talking about. I misunderstand people all the time when talking to them. That is why I am still not perfect with my English. My children and grandchildren sometimes still think that my English is very funny. So basically, after 46 years living in the UK, I am still learning!!
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