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帮我写一篇Relationship between love and marriage的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 12:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 11:20

Love is the most beautiful feeling that has been created by God and those who have true love in their life are the most fortunate people in this world. Those people are truly the blessed children of God, who are lucky enough to have that special person of their life, without whom their life is incomplete as their spouse. The Love Marriage Relationship adverts to the relationship of love that exists between married couples.

For a relationship to last long or to survive till the last, one should give importance to the feeling of love, as without love there can be no relationship . It should be noted that a Love Marriage Relationship is based on the foundation of belief and trust.

Marriage is the most important event in the life of man or a woman and people make the best of their efforts to make their marriage work. It would be better to say that a couple leaves no stones unturned to have a successful marital relationship.

这个是当地人写的,应该没语法错误,你可以自己修改下。 感觉哪里不要 就可以删掉。



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