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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 12:28



热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 09:55

1. 求一英语作文,写一个体育老师,要求200字,尽量用常用的单词

Mr. Wang is my PE teacher. He is very tall and strong. He's a bit fat. His skin is swarthy, but it looks healthy. He has a round face. There are o big eyes on his face. He always wears a pair of glasses. I think Mr. Wang is very handsome. Our PE lessons are very interesting, because Mr. Wang is very humor. He always plays games with us. Sometimes he makes jokes with us. We feel very happy in PE lessons. We all like Mr. Wang.。

2. 英语作文60词加翻译请一名体育老师

This advertisement aims to recruiting P.E. teacher. The women/men who would be enrolled must have the ability to get along with children and be good at, at least, one sport program. If you love children and have the passion for teaching career, please contact Teacher这个广告旨在招聘体育老师。


3. 初一英语作文学校招聘一位体育老师教讲英语的孩子们体育,请写一则

Recruitment notice(招聘启事)The school is looking for a sports teacher, requirements are as follows(本校想要招聘一位体育老师,要求如下)First, speak English(第一,会说英语)Second, good at munication and children.(第二,擅长于孩子们沟通)Third, love and the children make friends.(第三,喜欢和孩子们交朋友)Fourth, sports several, such as basketball(第四,会几种体育项目,比如篮球)Wele the intention of friends to apply for.(欢迎有这方面意向的朋友来应聘)。

4. 我最喜欢的体育老师翻译和英语作文70字左右






这就是我喜欢的一位体育老师,我更喜欢上他的体育课。I was in the primary school in July this year, the first grade, the last of the school for a long time to learn my favorite lesson is physical ecation.Our PE teacher is a long *** all eyes, tall stature, spoke always a set of old sense of humor. All the students like the teacher, because in P.E. class he always amused everyone uproarious for we are very kind. Once we play a game of the eagle catches chicken, I accidentally slipped and fell down, the pain I was sitting on the ground is wawadaku up. Originally, we play very happy is my tears will sweep the people's interest. The teacher hurriedly ran to pick me up, concerned and asked me: "Xin Zhuo not broke." I shook my head while I was crying. I'm a teacher came up with his humor Jin, *** ile to say to you have a look in our eyes are tired sweating Zhuo xin. Everyone laughed and laughed. When I was still crying unconsciously *** ile through tears.This is one of my favorite sports teacher, I like his PE class more.。

5. 体育老师的招聘英语作文不少于40个单词

Do you like people ?Can you friendly to people?Can you play sports? like,football,soccer,ping-pong, basketball,bas *** all,and swimming. can you running well? can you play with peopl e. can you bee people's good friends.Then you can bee a P.E'teacher. You can call Tom at 2655--35667。

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