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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 05:03



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 19:43


(1) positive(积极的)

(2) negative(消极的)

(3) neutral(中立的)

(4) approval(赞成的.)

(5) disapproval(不赞成的)

(6) indifferent(漠不关心的)

(7) sarcastic(讽刺的)

(8) critical(批评的)

(9) optimistic(乐观的)

(10) pessimistic(悲观的)

下而引类 问题的几种提问方式:

(1)What's the writer's attitude to …?

(2)What's the tone of the passage?

(3)The author's view is _______

(4)The writer's attitude of .this passage is apparently _________-

(5)The author suggests that _________

(6)According to author __________



Example :

I am not so na?ve ,however ,as to believe that sex is responsible for this unfortunate situation of the American woman. I am not a feminist , but I am an indivialist. I do not believe there is any important difference between men and women. certainly not as much as there may be between one woman and another or one man and an-other. There are plenty of women and men, for that matter who would be completely fulfilled in being allowed to be as lazy as possible. If someone will ensconce them in a pleasant home and pay their bills, they ask no more of life. It is quite all right for these men and women to live thus so long as fools can be found who will pay so much for nothing much in return. Gigolos , male and female, are to be found in every class and in the best of homes. But when a man does not want to be a gigolo, he has the freedom to go out and work and create as well as he can. But a woman has not. Even if her indivial husband lets her, tradition in society is against her. In this passage the author looks on the situation of women with an attitude of .

A) amusement

B) indifference

C) disapproval

C) condemnation

此篇文章中,作者对待这一问题的态度十分明确、强硬(如用语I am not 等等),因此只参在选项C)和D)中选择。
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