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申请PhD是不是一定要注明Proposed Supervisor?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 05:20



热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 12:13



热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 12:14

Before submitting your application form
1. Identify and establish an academic contact/potential supervisor
The university requires that you contact a suitable member of the academic staff of the university and present them with an initial proposal outlining your proposed topic of research before submitting your application for admission.

When you contact a member of the academic staff, you should provide them with some initial details to help them advise you regarding your study plans. For example: ecational background, relevant work experience and/or proposed area of research you are interested in undertaking.

2. Develop and submit an initial research proposal
Once you have initiated discussions with an academic contact(s),if you have not already done so, you should prepare an initial research proposal.

In general, your proposal should be no more than 500 words in length. However, some faculties such as Law and Economics and Business prefer a more detailed written proposal. Your initial proposal should include the following information:

Title: Working title for the project.
Academic staff contact: Name(s) of the academic staff with whom you have discussed your proposal and, if relevant a potential supervisor.
Objectives: What aims does the work have?
Synopsis: Briefly describe the key aspects of what you will be investigating.
Background: Describe what research has already been done in relation to your topic.
Significance: Why is the topic important?
Methodology: Approach or methodology to be used in the research.
Resources: Provide details of the resources required for you to carry out your research project.
Work plan: An initial plan for completion with annual milestones.
3. Revise and finalise your research proposal
In conjunction with your academic contact(s) refine your research proposal ready for submission of your formal application.

4. Application Form
Once you have identified an academic contact/potential supervisor and prepared a research proposal, you should fill out the research application form.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-01 12:14

申请PhD是不是一定要注明Proposed Supervisor?





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