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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-04 20:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 11:39

SCM is of small size and high integration, powerful, anti-interference capability, high reliability features, in the instrial control, Intelligent machines, communications and household appliances areas to be widely applied. And the man-machine interface in the control system MCU occupy an important position and through the man-machine interface MCU equipment, SCM order to input data and to understand the state of MCU and display related parameters. SCM used to control the temperature control is not only convenient, simple and flexibility advantages of large, but can substantially increase the temperature was charged with the technical indicators, which can greatly improve the quality of the proct and quantity. Based Zhejiang Tianhuang ordinance proction company THGMW-1-51 microcontroller / 96 • Computer 8088 triple Experimental Development System as the background, Based mainly on the 80 C51 microcontroller temperature programmed instrument of the man-machine interface design, discussed a 80 C51 microcontroller core, 8279 Programmable Keyboard / Display Interface Chip as a man-machine interface, the temperature measurement, control and display and the PC and communications, human-computer interaction to achieve results. As a control system of a typical experimental design, microcontroller integrated temperature control system using the single-chip microprocessor principle, Control theory, analog electronics, digital control technology, the keyboard and display technologies in many aspects of knowledge, to learn of a comprehensive test. Keywords : 80C51 microcontroller man-machine interface, 8279 Programmable Keyboard / Display Interface Chip
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