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the 21st century is a century of information t

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-05 10:03



热心网友 时间:2023-08-24 11:55

The 21st century is the 【characteristics】-> [ era ]
of 【digital】-> [ digitalization ]
,network and information,【it is a】-> [with the]
database technology as the core of the information age.But with the development of [ the ]
information technology,the airline ticket instry has become highly dependent on the information instry.The rapid development of information technology not only
【make】->[relieves] air ticket workers [of] heavy graally manual 【labor】->[work],[but also] [improves their]work efficiency,and [ pushes] forward [the] modernization management [of] airline instry.Modern air ticket [instry] also [needs] modern management system.【In】->[ With ] today's increasingly advanced science and technology,people 【pay more attention to travel to travel】-[ are travelling a lot more].Therefore,the airline ticket [instry] on modern management will become particularly important.
Database is the latest technology of data management,and is an important branch of computer science.Today,information resource has become an important 【wealth of】[part for] each department,[and ] 【established】->[the establishment of] a satisfied air ticket information processing 【requirements of effective information system】->[system] has become 【an important condition】[critical for ] airline [company's] development.
[The function of] Airline ticket management system ,【is part of unsold tickets for all sold out and effective management of the ticket】->[aims at an effective management of unsold and sold tickets].Through this system [we ]can not only [make] tickets to 【correspond with】[cater for] the [passengers' needs] and flight condition,and 【may】->[can] at any time add,edit,and delete 【etc】->[the ticket information],[to ] 【make】->[help] the sales staff 【to ticket can】->[with] effectively control and management.Therefore,through the air ticket management system,the airline ticket [instry can improve their] management [in] standardization,systematization,automation,[and] thus greatly improve the efficiency of sales management.
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