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高一 英语 英语翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (4 17:44:6)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-07 22:11



热心网友 时间:2024-05-10 02:11

小孩子找不到了,他的父母对他的安全忧心忡忡(be concerned about)
The child is missing,and his parents are concerned about his safety.

信不信由你,世界上没有象标准英语这样的事(such as)
Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English.

目前在中国学习英语的人数迅速增长(the number of)
At present, the number of English learner in China is growing rapidly.

这是他第三次去这个小镇看望那些孩子(This is the third time)
This is the third time that he went to visit those children in the small town.

I dear not to tell her this news.

并非所有的书都值得一看(not---all, be worth doing)
Not all the books are worth reading.

Only by shouting loudly can he make his voice heard by the people on the other side of the river

毫无疑问,中国属于发展中国家(There is no doubt that)
There is no doubt that China is a developing country.

He insisted that he did not break the law and that he should be set free immediately/at once.

This old house has seen the good days.


热心网友 时间:2024-05-10 02:12

The kid is missing and his parents are concerned about his safety.
Believe it or not, there is not such a thing as standard English.
The number of English learner in China is growing quickly.
This is the third time that he went to see those children in the small town.
I dare not tell her the news.
Not all books are worthing reading.
He can only made himself heard by the people on the other side of the river by shouting loudly.
There is no doubt that China is a developing country.
He insisted that he did not break the law and should be released at once.
The old house has seen the good times.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-10 02:12

The child has been unable to find, his parents safety to him is heavyhearted .

Believe it or not , not resembling such a thing of Standard English in the world .

Study the English prompt number increase at present in China .

This is that his third time gets rid of this small town calling on those children .

I do not dare inform her of this information .

Not all capital of book is worth .

Only crying by loudness , can he make river opposite bank people hear his sound .

Beyond doubt, China belongs to the developing country .

He insists that he does not break the law speaking , the request quilt releases determinedly immediately .

This old house day having had had scene .

热心网友 时间:2024-05-10 02:13

小孩子找不到了,他的父母对他的安全忧心忡忡(be concerned about)
The child is missing,and his parents are concerned about his safety.

解释:be concerned about 意思是“关心,担忧”about 后面跟关心的对象,事件

信不信由你,世界上没有象标准英语这样的事(such as)
Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English.
解释:such as “像 例如”as 介词 后跟名词,或名词性质的词

目前在中国学习英语的人数迅速增长(the number of)
At present, the number of English learner in China is growing rapidly.
解释:the number of 意思是“这个数目” 什么的数目,数量。of 介词,跟名词,或名词性质的词

这是他第三次去这个小镇看望那些孩子(This is the third time)
This is the third time that he went to visit those children in the small town.
解释:This is the third time 意思:“这是第三次”
I dear not telling her this news.
解释:dare 意思:“害怕,不敢,畏惧”

并非所有的书都值得一看(not---all, be worth doing)
Not all the books are worth reading.
解释:be worth doing 值得做某事 not all 并非所有的

Only by shouting loudly can he make his voice heard by the people on the other side of the river
解释:only 只有 的意思,only 后面跟by 意思是只有通过某种方式

毫无疑问,中国属于发展中国家(There is no doubt that)
There is no doubt that China is a developing country.
解释:There is no doubt that 毫无疑问


He insisted that he did not break the law and that he should be set free immediately/at once.
解释:insist 坚持,通常还有 insist on something的用法

This old house has seen the good days.
解释:see 本意是看见,senerey 为风景 seen 可以理解为,曾经
高一 英语 英语 翻译 请详细解答,谢谢! (21 17:43:22)

1 天看上去好象要下雨了,别忘了带伞。(as though)It seems as though it is going to rain. Don't forget to take an umbrella.2 他是个自私的人,你不能对他有太多的指望。He is a selfish person. You can't expect too much from him....


高一学生 Grade one student in high school 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 祝 : 生活愉快 谢谢采纳

高一寒假英语日记 最好带翻译 急需~~!!

1.Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave ...

高一开学了,谁帮我翻译一下英语的自我介绍啊? 谢谢了!

to improve my spoken and listening English is my target.Today I'm glad to know all of you guys in class and hope to work together to get better progress in English .

人教版高一英语必修一44页课文翻译,急急急!如题 谢谢了

夏威夷人相信:一旦某个人爱上了一片土地,他 就会爱上生活在那里的人们。这是第二种最重要 的友好的标记。在夏威夷语言中,叫做“lokahi”, 意思是“所有人是一体”,这片土地是所有居民的 共同家园,当你在这里享受生活的时候你不能自 私。现在有很多不同的人把夏威夷称为自己的家 乡。实际上夏...


the lack of experience.小哥,如今我们不缺电应改成We don't lack electricity 或power now.如果你缺乏信心你将一无所获 应是:If you lack confidence you will gain nothing.you will have gained nothing 是语病 believe me >< 禁止抄袭!!! 我改了一楼的所有的句子 无话可说了吧!


1. crowding in 习语: 一拥而入。2。 meant to say 我是想说;meant giving up 意味着放弃。这里考察了mean的两个用法,(1)mean to do 打算做某事;(2)mean doing意味着,意思是。


6.既然她有了保护意识(protection-conscious adj.),我想你 就骗不了她的钱。 I don't think you can defraud her money when she is protection-conscious.7.昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。(for) It must rained last night for the ground is wet.8.多参加体育锻炼,你就不那么容易感冒了...

请教高一一英语选择题, 请帮助解释一下,谢谢

回答:选择:D)答案 翻译为:XXX 你的想法不会干扰到其他人,你就没做错什么。 A 直到...为止 B 和..... 一样多 C....同样.... D 只要 所以D)是最合乎逻辑的选项。


It is only after the exam that I fail to realize the importance of studying hard.直到考试失败后我才意识到努力学习的重要性。I didn't realize the importance of studying hard until I failed in the exam.唯有坚持不懈的努力,你才能赶上其他同学并达到你的目标。Only by persistent efforts...

高一英语语法 高一英语必修一所有单词 高一英语试卷及答案 请详细解答 高一英语 高一英语上册 高一英语单词 高一英语课文 高一英语课本
抖音IP属地显示的是地理位置吗? 为什么抖音显示的ip地址不一样了呢? 为什么抖音显示的ip属地是不一样的? 电脑刚启动就出现正在准备修复,然后闪一下就黑屏了,就只有一个鼠标在... 电脑开机出现 正在启动windows后就黑屏 然后屏幕上只有鼠标是怎么回事... 电脑正在运行 突然黑屏 然后就打不开 按电源也只是鼠标微闪一下... 为什么电脑开机后黑屏只有鼠标能动? 电脑黑屏只显示鼠标是怎么回事? 听书软件哪个好,听书是免费的 机器设备机器设备的特点 鬼谷八荒紫雯雯怎么救 鬼谷八荒精卫任务怎么完成 常见热带花卉有哪些 热带植物有哪些种类(常见热带植物图片及名称) 热带盆花有哪些? 集成顶浴霸安装步骤 重庆酉阳桃花源一日游介绍 鹿晗竟然开着玛莎拉蒂带她去吃路边摊,这是炫富还是低调 听《十点半的地铁》:体味真实平淡的人生 法拉利,兰博基尼,玛莎拉蒂 雷克萨斯,悍马,柯尼赛格那个好? 高层建筑被闪电击中住在里面的人会有触电的危险吗?? 南通市通州区碧桂园天玺湾可以上育才中学吗? 南宁碧桂园新城之光能上那个初中 南宁碧桂园新城之光读什么初中 广州碧桂园天玺湾周边有什么学校? 松湖碧桂园天钻附近有什么学校? 南宁碧桂园天玺湾小区周边配套怎么样? 碧桂园玺悦附近有几所学校? 不想说话歌词 玛莎拉蒂两款特别版车型上市 售价101.58万起 1.“人生要进取”,当代大学生不能贪图安逸、因循守旧、故步自封, 对吗... ...谢啦 2000字哈哈就是要成为入党积极分子 周四22号交 浓缩大骨汤可以代替高汤么 骨汤粉可以代替高汤吗 谁能告诉我访问互联网的原理啊 比如说从电脑开始 怎么连到电信 电信... 退休能网上办理吗 网上能办理退休手续吗? 广州番禺区网上能办退休手续吗 球球大作战里为什么赛季结束了我看到我得了一个光环却没有,在魔法屋... 球球大作战绝版光环从哪得 球球大作战冬季恋歌怎么没了 球球大作战洛洛纸牌屋2级怎么没看见太极光环 每天什么都不吃,,饿了就吃苹果。这样能减肥吗???拜托各位大神 半个月不吃饭,饿了只吃苹果会瘦吗 悬崖之上口碑评价如何 电影《悬崖之上》好评如潮,你觉得这部电影质量如何? 做耳膜修补手术有需要注意的吗 鼓膜修补术有哪些 揭密4种鼓膜修补术原理 鼓膜穿孔做修补手术有用吗? 一个男人之所以对你死心,多半是因为你经常对他说哪些话?