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英文短文 大学生救落水儿童

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 17:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 18:36

We can not but remember such 3 heroes. Such “human ladder” spirit. When life and time race, they do not have an anxiety about themselves whether can rescue the child who falls in the water, although will not swim, but they will lift up this as before from the responsibility mission. Builds “the human ladder” with the body to save a strange feeling will of the people tune. Strange actually cannot give up the responsibility, the human ladder motion which and loves really from the conscience. With the sacrifice the life rebirth which comes abundantly as the price. we can not but remember such 3 children. After such “90”, association. When gives up and insists to fight, they still did not have the choice to flinch, brave facing comes from the innermost feelings and outside all resistances. After mature has manifested contemporary 90, youth that absorbed boundary as well as in front of the difficulty the stick together spirit. Let the youth borrow the autumn wind in this moment to build “the bridge” to express in writing loves the song. “this is heart's summon, this is the love offer, this is the world spring breeze, this is the life fountainhead. It is not having heart's desert, in wilderness which has not loved, the god of death also shrinks back at the sight, flower of the happiness everywhere spreads over a wide area, so long as everybody show a spot love, the world will turn the wonderful world ......”
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