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have you watched this programme

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 01:59



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 15:39

Yes,I have just seen it,I had never seen it before
Yes,I have just read it,I had never read it before
Yes,I have just tried it,I had never tried it before
Yes,I have just been there,I had never been there before
Yes,I have just written a letter in English it,I had never written a letter before
Yes,I have just watched this programme,I had never watched this programme before

Yes,I have just tried it,I had never tried it before Yes,I have just been there,I had never been there before Yes,I have just written a letter in English it,I had never written a letter before Yes,I have just watched this programme,I had never watched this programme befor...

新概念英语第一册练习册 119---120答案

Have you met him?Yes, I have just met him. I had never met him before.1 Have you seen it?2 Have you read it?3 Have you tried it?4 Have you been there?5 Have you written a letter in English?6 Have you watched this programme?C Answer these questions.模仿例句回答以下问...


6 Yes, I have just watched this programme. I had never watched this programme before.C 1 It was too late. He had already painted it.2 It was too late. She had already dusted it.3 It was too late. You had already telephoned him.4 It was too late. You had already corr...

请问project 和programme 有何区别?Thanks!

我个人认为主要的区别是, programme的用法相对而言比较窄, 一般表达 节目或者程序 project的用法侧宽了很多, 计划, 方案, 发射, 投影,动词方面用的更多。Project n. 工程,项目,计划,事业 v. 计划,设计,表达 v. 投射,放映,凸出 A missile was projected into space.导弹被发射升空。The projec...


6.Yes,I have just watched this programme.I had never watched this programme before.C 1.It was too late.He had already painted it.2.It was too late.She had already dusted it.3.It was too late.You had already telephoned him.4.It was too late.You had already corrected it....


8.LILY gives up her hobby to concentrate on doing her homework.9.Until I watched this programme, I understand that the tiger is in danger.10.Please put the book back to the library after you have read it.11.Is your pair of white pantyhose made of velvet?12.Which clothes ,...


Where you attended this lesson What you learned And explain how you learned it. Describe an important letter you wrote. You should say Who you wrote to When you wrote it What you wrote And explain why you wrote that letter. Describe a TV programme. You should say: the name of the progr...


Lesson 119 A.1.Did this ture story happen to the author or to a friend of the author's?And when?Yes,a year ago.2.What was the author's friend's name?George.3.What was George doing?He was read in bed.4.What happened while he was reading in bed?Two thieves climbed ...


1 Have you seen it?2 Have you read it?3 Have you tried it?4 Have you been there?5 Have you written a letter in English?6 Have you watched this programme?C Answer these questions.模仿例句回答以下问题。Example:Why didn't you sweep the floor?(She)It was too late. She ...

have you watched do you have this have watched i do have this can i have this had watched i watched it have you seen have this one
惠普HP Pro 4500 mt想换显卡怎么换 下面是配置。主玩cf。现在这显卡太卡... 梦见死人压在身上是什么兆头 梦见死人压在身上的寓意 Vivox21a怎么清灰 老是觉得喉咙有痰恶心怎么回事 老是感觉喉咙里有痰怎么回事 喉咙有痰想吐是怎么回事 嵩县车村镇到太原小店驾车路线 长葛到嵩山车村多少公里 河南嵩县车村离广西南宁有多少公里 嵩县车村填离许昌市多少公里?多少钱汽车票价? I usually go to school at eight 用Sally代替i 改写句子 whatkindofprogrammedoyouliketowatchmost 用括号里的单词改写句子。秒采 这首歌叫什么- - sing+for+the+baby,用he和usually改写句子? 用usually把本句改成一般现在时态的句子she's helping her mom w... 英语改写句子!!!急急急 Play Your Part 歌词 I visit my grandma(用usually改写句子) usually的三单形式? ...了,就是原本在一行的标题,点任何一个之后,他们就变成两行了... ...本来一行的变成两行了,字体也变了,怎么改过来呢? 学习机有哪些好处? 网页上文字很大,以至于正常应该在一行上显示的变成两行!应该怎么弄? 学习机有什么品牌 360浏览器下拉框只显示2行怎么办 发现无论什么事情什么问题到最后都会是哲学 是不是几乎所有学科的尽头都会朝着哲学方向转化与发展? 科学发展到最后是哲学,哲学发展到最后是神学。是这样吗 格力空调一小时耗电多少度? 请帮忙给翻译下 谢谢了 《雷雨》中鲁贵死了吗?如果死了的话,请复制一下原文写鲁贵死了的... 如何对待农村中学英语课堂教学中的沉默现象 关于辩论会上课积极与沉默 针对上课期间教师提出问题后学生出现沉默的现象,分析为什么会出现这种现 ... 如何面对学生课堂沉默 课堂沉默现象 [英语课堂沉默现象的原因和解决策略] 课堂沉默的原因 在班里很沉默好不好… 1976年彗星中国出现了几颗 Why not take___ umbrella with the sign "Made in china"? It is... 乱世危情娶二姨太是第几集出现的 老书号无法查询 男友说以后结婚不上交工资,我接受不了,我该怎样和他分手,可当我想起没... 和男朋友已经订婚了,他说婚后不会上交财权怎么办?要不要分? 男朋友表明了婚后绝对不会上交财权怎么办? 男友说婚后不上交工资,他说长大后不愿被人管还说他爸妈也这样,我说分... 和男朋友已经订婚了,他说婚后不会上交财权怎么办? 男友突然改变主意说结婚后不上交工资卡,密码大家都知道,以前他答应的... 男朋友说以后结婚后不愿意把工资卡交给我,他是不是不够爱我?