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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 01:19



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:50

The trust is invaluable
Have a boy to like to go to square to feed the pigeon son very much.Each time he goes to square up, the pigeon sons will fly the boy nearby, even fly to his shoulder to ascend and palm up.
One day, art the teacher says to the boy:" Can you take a pigeon son to the classroom to come up?We want to learn to draw the pigeon son." The boy promised generously, he grasp to return to a pigeon son the second day.
However when the boy puts it to fly to the square, that pigeon son use surprised the look in the eyes that fear to stares at him, have no pigeon son and would like to fly to him any further nearby.
Just abandon once, the boy lost a group of intimate friends then.The trust of is invaluable mutually, buildsing up rise trust to need to cost the very big energy, break trust but just the affair of the split second.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:50

Trust is invaluable
A boy likes to feed the pigeons in the square very much. Everytime he comes to the square, the pigeons fly to him, even to his shouders and hands.
One day, the art teacher said to the boy,"can you bring a pigeon to class? We will learn to draw pigeons." The boy agreeded immidiately, and the next day he caught a pigeon to class.
But when the boy take it back to the square, all the pigeons stared at him with eyes feared, no pigeons wanted to fly to him any more.
Just one betral, and the boy lost his closed friend. The trust between each other is invaluable, making trust needs a great effort, but destroying it is just a thing in a second.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 14:51

There is a boy who loved to go to a square to feed a crowd of pigeons living there. Each time he went there ,the pigeons will fly close to him ,even onto his shoulders and palms.
One day,his art teacher asked him"Would you like to catch a pigeon for me? we'll have it as a model"
The boy agreed without hesitation.The next day he brought with him a pigeon.
However, when he went to the square and let it flew freely again, that crowd of pigeons stared at him, fears in their eyes.None of them would like to fly close to him any more.
Just once betrayal ,that had caused the boy lost his intimate friends.Mutual trust is invaluable ,because it take a long time and a great efforts to build up .Yet to destroy it ,only one minute is enough.
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