问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501


发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-11 22:41



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 17:56

1 nickname
2 destination
3 landmark
4 crop
5 ask
6 excitment
9 location
10 surface
12 prefer
1.Diogenes found (the secret of how to be happy).(就括号部分提问)
答:what does diogenes found?
2.My hu *** and is as tall as my younger brother.(保持原意,改写句子)
答:My brother is of the same height( as )my younger brother.
3.My father has lots of story books.(改为否定句)
答:My father didn't( have any ) story books.
4.I like Mimi (because it's very cute).(就括号部分提问)
答:(why)(do) you like Mimi?
5.Tony finishes his work (at 9:30)in the morning.(就括号部分提问)
答:(what)(time) does Tony (finished) his work in the morning.
6.They often play with the cute dog.(用now改写)
答:They (are) (playing) the cute dog now.
答:what does anna's mother want to be?,8,1.根据右边的英文意思写出对应的单词.首字母已给出.
1.neither_____ a friendly or funny name for someone or something.
2.d_____ the place to which you are traveling.
3.l_____ a well-known place.
4.c_____ a ...,1,1.根据右边的英文意思写出对应的单词.首字母已给出.
1.n_____ a friendly or funny name for someone or something.
2.d_____ the place to which you are traveling.
3.l_____ a well-known place.
4.c_____ a plant grow in fields by farmers.
5.a_____ to let someone do something.
6.e_____ an exciting thing that happens.
7.i_____ to make a sudden noise.
8.d_____ to say something or cry out suddenly and loudly.
9.l_____ the place where something is.
10.s____ the outside part of something.
11.r____ the front area in a big office or hotel.
12.P____ like something better.
1.Diogenes found (the secret of how to be happy).(就括号部分提问)
2.My hu *** and is as tall as my younger brother.(保持原意,改写句子)
My brother is of the same ___ ___ my younger brother.
3.My father has lots of story books.(改为否定句)
My father ___ have ___ story books.
4.I like Mimi (because it's very cute).(就括号部分提问)
___ ___ you like Mimi?
5.Tony finishes his work (at 9:30)in the morning.(就括号部分提问)
___ ___ does Tony ___ his work in the morning.
6.They often play with the cute dog.(用now改写)
They ___ ___ the cute dog now.
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