发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-11 23:53
热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 13:44
My View on Campus Love People’s opinions are always different once they talk about campus love. Some people hold the idea that campus love is a bitter fruit which may cause pains and make people hurt. Besides, people who are against campus love maintain that campus love is just a kind of thing that wastes time and money. While others declare nothing is more wonderful than love. The later seem to be idealists who love for love’s sake! As far as I’m concerned, I do not quite agree with the o kinds of opinions mentioned above. For one thing, since we are college students now, we should learn to take total responsibility and it is time for us to experience various kinds of “growing pains”, including love. So maybe we’d better be braver to pursue it in spite of the sorrows that might happen to us. However, I do not mean that study can be neglected pared with love. For, as college students our main task was, is and will be study. Being *** s does not mean being totally independent. A man’s first ty is to find a way of supporting himself, thereby relieving other people of the necessity of supporting him. Therefore, we have to master the skills to make a living in future. Those who abandon their study in sake of love are rather idlers than idealists! All in all, campus love has double edges. It is true that it may cost you something to seek it, but if you can arrange your time well, it will add color to your life and tell you how to give rather than receive without influencing your study. Just follow the star in your heart! Why not have a try? 我 爱 校 园 我的母校,一年四季百花盛开,争芳斗艳。 春天,那昂立枝头的桃梅,色彩鲜艳。盛开的桃梅花似红云,像彩霞,一片片,一束束、开满了枝头,密密麻麻,挨挨挤挤,还不时的发出淡雅的香味。 夏天,校园是月季花的天地。瞧,月季花有大红色、粉红色、白色、*,还有黄里透红的、白里掺黄的……色彩各异,五彩缤纷。月季花的姿态更美――有的昂首怒放,有的一枝独秀,有的孤芳自赏,有的含包欲放,有的金鸡独立……真是千姿百态啊! 秋风飒飒,串红成了群花中的佼佼者。操场四周开满桃红,把校园都染红了。当我见到串红时,不禁眼花缭乱,目不暇接。 一阵北风吹过,百花开始凋零。然而这时在每个教室里面,依然摆放着十几盆紫罗兰。它亭亭玉立,紫色的叶子衬托着淡紫色的小花,散发着一种诱人的芳香,仿佛在与严冬抗衡,好一种冷酷的傲骨。 啊,我爱校园,我爱校园一年四季的花朵,我更爱哺育花朵的园丁! 我爱校园 学校,是我们学习的地方,每个人都爱自己的校园,我也非常爱我们的校园。 每天清晨,当我们沐浴着阳光,迎着和煦的晨风走进我们的学校——下关实验二小时,有一个美丽的水池会映入你的眼帘,它的名字就叫萌芽池。萌芽池的最前面是大理石铺成的半圆形花坛,这样的花坛有两个,交错开来,其中一个伸到水池中间,就好像一株嫩芽的两片叶子,由此得名——萌芽池。水池的中间有两眼喷泉,一眼喷出的水是线形的,一眼喷出的水是伞状的。水池的后面是一块巨大的照壁,从顶上有水流下来,显得非常清澈,照壁上有一个“源”字,告诉我们要饮水思源,显得整个萌芽池独具匠心。 校园的中间是我们**班所在的教学楼。整个教学楼有四层,每层有四间教室和一个老师办公室。象这样的教学楼我们学校有三幢,相互连在一起形成半个“f”状。每天我们都在这里快乐的学习,愉快的成长。 校园的西面是我们的操场。操场的东西两边围着黑色的铁栅栏,北面是奥运墙,而西面的墙上画了许多有关奥运的画,那都是我们学校的学生画的。操场上有六道红色塑胶跑道,中间是绿色的足球场,我们学校的大型活动就在这里举行。 我们学校还有许多美丽的地方,雷锋亭、博求花园、宣传栏等,这都是我们美丽校园的缩影。 幼芽的成长需要阳光和雨露,更需要辛勤的园丁,我们学校还有着许多像*、蒋老师那样任劳任怨的园丁。我们像一株株幼苗,在学校和老师的呵护和栽培下茁壮成长。 啊!我爱我们美丽的校园