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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-11 02:40



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 21:24

During the night of the Chrismas Eve, my roomate did someting really romantic with my support. It is pretty popular in the university campus for friends to send apples to each other. My roomate bought two apples, one for the girl he likes, the other for the roomate of the girl. The girl didn't seem to be quite surprised when my friend offered her the little present probablity because she might have already guessed what my friend was going to give her. However, he asked to close her eyes and he would play a trick for her when they were to depart. When the girl opened her eyes she found him holding a nice bouquet of white roses . This is what the romance means.


热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 21:24

On Christmas Eve night , the roommate did a special romantic
thing to me when the time behind the scenes staff . At the university , the
Christmas Eve are popular to send to the people they care about Apple roommates
carefully to the girls like to buy an apple , but also the way to her roommate
bought . When the roommate said to send the girl thing , she had guessed Apple .
Not surprisingly, when the roommate girls send Apple when girls do not have a
special surprise . When the girls ready to go back to the very mysterious
roommate said something , you close your eyes now , I give you a magic trick .
The girls did , and when she opened her eyes , surprised to find that his hands
holding a bouquet of particularly beautiful white roses . Perhaps this is romantic .

但是您的Gazette就是另外一个故事了。我从来没有在您的报上读过一篇文章那是没有3或4个错别字或语法错误的。就好像上个星期,您拼错了“secretary”用单动词和复数名词还有把“it's”用成是一个形容词。这只是开始而已。您应该没上过小学吧?“it's”就是“it is”的意思,不是一个形容词!很...


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急求一篇短篇文言文,并有练习和翻译。 急啊~~~求各位高手帮帮忙_百度知 ...

23. 凡:凡是。24.以:用。


next time you sit down to study, instead of letting your eyes just glide lazily over the page,reach for your pen!翻译:我们都知道我们需要“字里行间”的文本,但有些人觉得写他们之间同样有帮助。标记的书有时可以是一个有用的工具。这不是真正的书,当然可以。它显然是错误的在宏伟的皮革...


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英语翻译 中翻译成英语。 急求, 不要有语法错误 或直接翻译器翻译啊啊...

this country will be boosted to lay a solid foundation for development . Also this policy can bring you brothers and sisters to make you no more lonely .A good policy will be accepted by people . Let's wish this policy a successful implementation .看在辛苦翻译的份上求采纳~...


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