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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 20:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 23:37

China has rich resources of salt, sea salt is only part of, say there is no nuclear pollution. Salt resources: sea salt, salt, Rock Salt Lake (salt mines), extremely rich mineral resources in China is the world's Salt Lake one of the few countries, deposits of rock salt reserves of resources have been identified, there are more than more than 10 of more than 10 billion tons of rock salt deposit. Salt proction is more than the eastern coastal areas of China, even in Inner Mongolia, Qinghai are large salt proction.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 23:37

China's resource-rich salt, sea salt is only part, say there is no subject of nuclear pollution. Salt resources: salt, lake salt, rock salt (salt); China is extremely rich in mineral resources on the lake salt of the few countries, resources have been identified deposits of rock salt reserves of more than 100 billion tons of rock salt deposits on more than 10. Salt made in China, not just the eastern coastal areas, and even Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, salt proction is large.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 23:38

China is rich in salt resources. Among them, sea salt is just a part of them. What's more, sea salt has not been polluted yet. Salt resources include: sea salt, lake salt and rock salt. China is one of the few countries around the world that is abundant in lake salt resources. It has been investigated that there are more than ten lake salt deposits that proce over 100 billion tons salt. Apart from eastern coastal areas, Inner Mongolia and Qinghai are also big salt instry provinces.
仅供参考^_^ 貌似楼上都是机译。。⊙﹏⊙b汗

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 23:38

China's salt resource is rich, haiyan just one part, say not currently from nuclear pollution. Salt resource is: sea salt, HuYan, rock salt (salt); China is the world HuYan mineral resources is extremely rich, one of the few countries of rock salt deposit resources has identified more than 100 million tons of reserves of rock salt deposit has 10. Chinese-made salt not only east coast, even as Inner Mongolia, qinghai is large in salt.
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