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英语翻译 急!在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 20:36



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:18


shall all the managers attend the meeting dicussing 2011 work schemes at 2;00 pm, 28th nov.(wed.) in the conference room.
managers' office
nov. 15th, 2006

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:18

All of the managers must be at the meeting room on November the 28th thursday at 2 O'clock,To discuss the work plan of the next year.
The Manager Room
5/11 2006
打完了~~~~ 给分吧~~~~~~~~~~~~

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:19


All managers come to the conference room to discuss the work plan for next year at two p.m. November the twenty-eighth (Wed).

                                              General Manager's Office

                                                   November 15th, 2006

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:19

Managers,please attending a meeting in meeting room in Nov.28 2pm (Wednesday),discusing job plan of next year.
General Manager Office
Nov.15th, 2008

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:20

all the managers should gather together in meeting room to discuss work plan of next year at PM 2:00 November twenty-weight Wedneasday

General manager office
11.15 .2010

热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:21

There'll be a meeting on Wednesday,November28,at 2:00 p.m at the meeting room to discuss the work plans for next year.please all the
general managers attend.

general manager's office

November 15th, 2006


1, told me the matter about Spring Festival 2, to celebrate Grandma's birthday 3, hold a party on the afternoon of May 1st 4. Knock on the door 5. To give them some chocolate as a hospitality 6, make fun of these children 7, play the game called "Big heart risk"8,...


I went to the dentist’s yesterday to get my decayed tooth pulled out.由于教育背景和工作经验不同,员工的薪水也大不相同.Salaries of employees vary greatly depending on their respective education and experiences.信息技术的使用可以给发展中国家带来巨大的进步.Application/Use of information tech...


1. --- 今天晚上有什么活动吗? --- 没有.What's for tonight? -- Nothing.--- 为什么不一起去看电影呢? --- 好主意.Why don't we go together for a movie? --- Good idea.2. 在会上,你们可以自由发表意见.Please feel free to air your opinions at the meeting.3. 难道你不能...


welcome to ride this train, this train station terminal XX.下一站XX站,下车的乘客请做好准备。XX next station, alighting passengers please be prepared.列车启动,请扶好站稳,下一站XX站,列车开启前进方向左/右侧车门,请下车的乘客做好准备。the train started, please help a good stand, ...


1.There are four reasons for me to surf on internet.2.There is the latest information on the net, and I can know it as soon as possible.3. There are many online studying education resources. I can learn a lot of knowledge.4. I can meet many friends.5. I like to shop...



急求 在线 急等 英文翻译 谢谢..

英语口语测试之我见 As we know,high school students have an oral English test before the College Entrance Examination,which has existed for many years.众所周知,高中生在高考前要参与英语口语测试,这一制度已经存在很多年了。But some people don't think it's a must for students to ...

翻译英文 在线等!挺急的!!!

例句:By this time tomorrow, I'll be lying on the beach.将来进行时是由"shall/will + be + 现在分词"构成的 Please don't call me between 8:00 and 10:00 tomorrow. I'll be having my classes then.明天8点到10点之间请不要给我打电话,我那时正在上课。Will you be using your ...


at the lobby for the dinner.9.I have forgot to add the adress while writting the qq email yesterday ,and this is the right one.10. Hello, please take care 这个是我自己第一感觉写出来的,完全没用翻译软件,可能有些细节会有错,但大体意思应该是一样的,希望对你有用了。


31、说英语 speak English 32、说汉语 speak Chinese 33、象棋俱乐部 the chess club(国际象棋俱乐部)the Chinese chess club(中国象棋俱乐部)34、游泳俱乐部 swimming club 35、篮球俱乐部 basketball club 36、帮助 help 37、加入到我们当中 join in us 38、弹钢琴 play the piano 39、摇滚乐队 rock ...

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拔牙7天过后发现口腔内壁涨白色黏膜,舌头发白两侧有齿痕,拔牙之前好像... 众筹融资平台 债权众筹是什么意思 显示器led背光是什么意思? 16款冬季底妆产品推荐 保湿又持久底妆清单 白茶的功效:三抗三降抗氧化 癌癌症的饮食调理 百度网盘怎么分享给QQ好友? 怎么将百度网盘的文件分享给qq好友 用茶叶水洗脸有什么功效如何正确用茶叶水洗脸 tom returned from manager's office 成分分析 ...发票(增值税税控系统)最高开票限额审批(增版增量) 【安宁资质代办】增值税发票核定调整(增版增量) 乐跑不买装备会扣骑士长钱吗 365骑士需要押金吗 365骑士有单吗 怎么自己拍摄发布的作品没有推荐量? 昌江华流音乐节活动邀请了什么艺人来? 妖扬王敬轩是什么意思 全日制驾驶学校毕业了可以增驾A2吗 省外读大学考驾照没迁户口怎么办?可以在学校那边学驾照吗?有什么需... 从济南的动车站去机场怎么去最方便? 爸爸是打工的天天上学送我,然后有些同学就嘲笑我,怎么办 同学嘲笑我父亲的职业,该咋办? 你会嘲笑同学父母穿着破旧吗? 父亲没车而被同学嘲笑怎么办 孩子因父亲是快递员遭同学嘲笑,自尊心受损该如何教育呢? have no idea后能接on吗 l have on idea.want do you think?的同义句是什么? 用asp将excel导入sql,速度越来越慢,怎么办? the office is one of the managers’是什么意思? 翻译一篇英文文献三 翻完再加高分 变性复性延伸的结果 ...我什么是变性过程?什么是复性过程?还有什么是延伸过 哪些分子生物学技术应用到了dna的变性和复兴 在PCR扩增循环过程中,每次循环变性、复性、延伸所用时间相同吗?_百度... 加热杀死的s型细菌,其蛋白质变性失活,但DNA氢键断裂变性失活后温度降低... 好久没有收到邮寄的电费账单了? 电费账单一直没有收到 由于系统出问题,电费有几年没计费现在用什么方法可以追补 用电历史账单是怎样弄得,为什么我从来没有收到过? contemporary interpretation是什么意思 contemporary connections怎么翻译 解析一下,长相有点好看,长的不难看,长相没毛病,分别是什么意思?_百度... 长的不难看,有点好看的意思吗? 长相有点好看是什么意思? 自主实习干什么有发展 林业部门法制股工作计划 林业计财工作计划 新办企业办事程序