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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 21:36



热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 00:30

1、excuse me!!!

2、Be thin! Or die!

3、Think of the ladies eyes.

4、Persistence means victory!

5、do push yourself! Wont die!


7、I want to lose weight and brave roses.

8、To prove to others, where is your ambition?

9、When Im hungry, I think, yeah! The fat is burning!

10、All the people who are not paralyzed move to me!!!!

11、How can you control your life if you cant control yourself?

12、If a girl cant control herself, how can she master her life!

13、Bad is only the illusion of a thin appearance, but do not do it!

14、I think I can rece this so little, why cant you!!! Right!!!!!!!!!!

15、have been suffering for a few days, is to let those efforts in vain!

16、You give me a lift, dont eat. All that fat how still have face to eat!

17、Think of beautiful clothes. How many you wear? You must cut down!!!!!!!

18、You should be more disciplined for your emotional brothers and sisters.

19、Who was it that said I want to lose weight, I have to succeed -- its you!

20、Youth only once, we can not waste our youth! We must have gorgeous youth!

21、How did they get through it when they saw that others had lost their envy?

22、the weight loss has not been successful, comrade still need to be aroused.

23、we are fat fat nutrition surplus fat man eat a little bit not what kind of!

24、There are many people around you who care about you, so that they can bear it.

25、Its important that you dont focus all your attention on finding things to do well.

26、If you say you cant bear to ask me what to do, I can only say that you dont lose it.

27、The fat people you dont eat pull!!! The skinny people are laughing at you!!!!! ~ ~ ~

28、Sister door, fat man has no future! Fat man has no future! Thin down before you talk!

29、Other girls can slim down why cant you! Are you an idiot? Are you born to be a fat pig?

30、Whats the difference between a man and an animal, even if he cant control his appetite?

31、When you want to let go of that moment, tell yourself to stick to it again, and its over.

32、I tell you, its a cruel society. Dont think you have real skills. Appearance is more important.

33、Just walk more and go shopping! Check out some nice clothes that you can wear! Fat man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

34、No matter what method you use to slim down, as long as you do not control absolutely successful rebound!

35、Big s is a banana for three weeks a day. So you see, just bear with it! Why cant someone else be able to?

36、Girls have to love themselves. Just remember: fat people dont have money! You can be good again, just a fat man.

37、no new clothes! Dont be thin and no more hair! You always make a dead fat man who goes through the air to the slag!

38、The key to losing weight is getting hungry. Being outdoors is the most useless, most helpful, but you want to lose weight outside.

39、eat? Are you eligible to eat? Do you have a face? Dont you feel sick? Want a face? Do you want to surprise those who see you flat?

40、You need to fuel yourself to prove to yourself and some silly x that even if you were fat, you will lose weight and become a beautiful day!

41、No one can help you. You can only rely on yourself. If you dont want me to call you fat, dont eat it right now. Drink water and go to bed hungry.

42、In fact, losing weight means eating less and eating more and choosing your self-belief method to do it, and sticking to it, it is useless to doubt it in the first place.

43、Beauty despise us fat! ` ` we deserved it ` ` who call others have perseverance? Others can hold the mouth of the self, they have qualified smile we dont want to be smile ` ` self adhere to the point!

44、Eat more control, eat less mouthful, can how, can die? They eat to have the capital, you a dead fat, when you did not thin down, only be hungry of the share, you not to self-hard, other people to you ruthlessly!

45、The girl who loves to eat!! Eat more, eat less, can you die? Did not eat thing ah, from small to big loss you? How to be so bad face, eat to eat, see the fat face of ego, you have what right to eat!!! Die fat woman!!!!!!!!!!!

46、Do you often feel that you have eaten another month before you know it and then begin to regret it! So have you ever wondered if I could be a little thinner this month if I ate less and more? We are always complaining about the time when we are losing weight.

47、The fat man who had just been mped by his brothers and sisters! Wahahahahaha! You got mped! Your brothers and sisters are only eat a pull of the ng machine you also want to mp him is!! Eating in pain? ! Then you wait for the next guy to mp you too!!!

48、It is important to be beautiful, regardless of age. There is no excuse for losing weight. You have to be able to slim down if you eat yourself. Women should be more intelligent than girls, and you should know how picky the society is to women! Be thin, not too much.

49、regardless of age, beauty is sure to lose weight is no excuse, you can eat your self fat must be able to slim down more than 30 years old women should have more wisdom than years old girl you should know this society to women more picky ~ ~ ~ must be thin to not think too much!
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