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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 12:46



热心网友 时间:2024-05-27 19:15

Intelligent Traffic Control System (Urban Traffic Control System, referred to UTC system), is the modern urban traffic management system hub, but also intelligent transportation system an important part. In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM applications are continually deepening, and promote the traditional control of the growing detection technology update. In real-time detection and automatic control of the SCM applications, often as a microcontroller core components to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, but also based on specific hardware and software combination of hardware structure, to be perfect.
The system uses SCM, traffic lights demonstration system. SCM extensive use of the I / O ports, and control of flexibility, accuracy, and the traffic control system. SCM through the proceres designed to achieve the basic traffic order and control traffic control.
A crossroads for the design of vehicles and pedestrian traffic management system should include straight, turn left, turn right, and to show the basic features such as traffic lights, and the traffic flow is not great, the system can be manually controlled, Direction only blinking yellow light, to prompt pedestrians and drivers can be slow through the line, rather than wait for, to save time. There are other 40 s and 20 s current management conversion, and other functions. At the same time the traffic signal system from a high-reliability components devices, with a variety of anti-jamming measures, can withstand the test of all kinds of bad situations. The new multi-functional traffic lights system stable performance, small size, low cost, can well meet the requirements of modern transport system.

Key words: SCM, traffic lights, control, program design

热心网友 时间:2024-05-27 19:15

Intelligent Traffic Control System (Urban Traffic Control System, referred to UTC system), is the modern urban traffic management system hub, but also intelligent transportation system an important part. In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM applications are continually deepening, and promote the traditional control of the growing detection technology update. In real-time detection and automatic control of the SCM applications, often as a microcontroller core components to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, but also based on specific hardware and software combination of hardware structure, to be perfect.
The system uses SCM, traffic lights demonstration system. SCM extensive use of the I / O ports, and control of flexibility, accuracy, and the traffic control system. SCM through the proceres designed to achieve the basic traffic order and control traffic control.
A crossroads for the design of vehicles and pedestrian traffic management system should include straight, turn left, turn right, and to show the basic features such as traffic lights, and the traffic flow is not great, the system can be manually controlled, Direction only blinking yellow light, to prompt pedestrians and drivers can be slow through the line, rather than wait for, to save time. There are other 40 s and 20 s current management conversion, and other functions. At the same time the traffic signal system from a high-reliability components devices, with a variety of anti-jamming measures, can withstand the test of all kinds of bad situations. The new multi-functional traffic lights system stable performance, small size, low cost, can well meet the requirements of modern transport system.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-27 19:16

Intelligent Traffic Control System (Urban Traffic Control System, referred to UTC system), a modern urban traffic control
System of a hub, but also intelligent transportation system an important part. In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM
Applications are continually deepening, and promote the traditional control of the growing detection technology update. In real-time detection and automatic control of the microcontroller
Application System, SCM often as a core component to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, and should be based on
Specific hardware and software combination of hardware structure, to be perfect.
The system uses SCM, traffic lights demonstration system. SCM extensive use of the I / O ports, and control of flexibility
, Accuracy, and the traffic control system. SCM through the proceres designed to achieve the basic traffic control and order
Traffic control.
A crossroads for the design of vehicles and pedestrian traffic management system should include straight, turn left, turn right, and the basic line
The show features such as traffic lights, and the traffic flow is not great, the system can be manually controlled, the only direction flashing yellow light,
Tips to pedestrians and drivers can be slow through the line, rather than wait for, to save time. There are other 40s and 20 s current management conversion
, And other functions. At the same time the traffic signal system from a high-reliability components devices, with a variety of anti-jamming measures, able to withstand all kinds of evil
Poor conditions of the test. The new multi-functional traffic lights system stable performance, small size, low cost, can well meet the contemporary
Transport system.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-27 19:16

Urban Traffic Control System (UTC)is the center of modern city tresportant management system,so it's the most part in all system.In modern time, with the technology development, SCM is commonly, at the same time, it make the traditional contral and checking technology update.


热心网友 时间:2024-05-27 19:17

Intelligent Traffic Control System (Urban Traffic Control System, referred to UTC system), is the modern urban traffic management system hub, but also intelligent transportation system an important part. In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, SCM applications are continually deepening, and promote the traditional control of the growing detection technology update. In real-time detection and automatic control of the SCM applications, often as a microcontroller core components to use only SCM knowledge is not enough, but also based on specific hardware and software combination of hardware structure, to be perfect.
The system uses SCM, traffic lights demonstration system. SCM extensive use of the I / O ports, and control of flexibility, accuracy, and the traffic control system. SCM through the proceres designed to achieve the basic traffic order and control traffic control.
A crossroads for the design of vehicles and pedestrian traffic management system should include straight, turn left, turn right, and to show the basic features such as traffic lights, and the traffic flow is not great, the system can be manually controlled, Direction only blinking yellow light, to prompt pedestrians and drivers can be slow through the line, rather than wait for, to save time. There are other 40 s and 20 s current management conversion, and other functions. At the same time the traffic signal system from a high-reliability components devices, with a variety of anti-jamming measures, can withstand the test of all kinds of bad situations. The new multi-functional traffic lights system stable performance, small size, low cost, can well meet the requirements of modern transport system.
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