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帮我翻译成英文谢谢 真的感谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-05 07:10



热心网友 时间:2024-03-20 04:37

I fell in love with a Thai girl, she is not very beautiful, but in my heart, she is the perfect angel! Although we across the mountains but my heart has come to her, at the moment I know what is love, I also know that life won't love others, she is very excellent, she may not like me, I everyday is full, she has no other people or things, I hope I can everyday can accompany beside her to take care of her all about his all let her become this in the world most the woman of happiness, but I can't, I can't selfish to selfishness so perfect angel to have very good, she has her own ideals and her love, I hope she can be very happy everyday carefree life, very happy in this corner of the world, I will pray for her every day, I love you forever!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-20 04:38


I fell in love with a Thai girl, she is not very pretty but in my mind that she was a perfect angel! Although we have thousands of miles across, but my heart has come to her there, at this moment that I know what is true love in this life I know will no longer love other people, and she is very good that she might not like me every day I would fill our minds with all that she has no other people or things, I always hope that they can every day to accompany her on her side to take care of all concerned, everything he made her become the world's most well-being of women, But I could not selfish, I could not selfish, that such a perfect angel for possession, she was too good of her own ideals and her love of people, I hope she can be happy every day, very happy carefree life, I In this corner of the world will be praying for her every day, I love you for life!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-20 04:38

I fell in love with a girl from Thailand, she's not just beautiful but in my heart she's the perfect angel! All though we are apart but my heart has already there with her, till now I finally know what is true love and I also know that I won't love anyone else, she's very outstanding although she might not like me, my thoughts are filled by her, I really hope that I could be beside her everyday taking care of her making her the happiest woman on earth, but I shouldn't be so selfish I can't selfishly own this perfect angel,she's too outstanding she has her own dream and someone she loves, I hope she can be happy and joyful everyday, in a part of this world I would bless for her,I love you forever!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-20 04:39

I fall in love with a Thailand girl , she is not very beautiful but she is a consummate angel at my heart! My heart has already arrived at her although being separated by a journey filled with numerous difficulties and dangers we there, I know what is to love me really also knowing this can not like again in the lifetime at this very moment just now other person her extraordinary excellence she may not be fond of my bar , that I have one's mind stuffed with every day all is her already not other person or thing, I hope that self all being able to can accompany all looking after her at one's side in hers to care for him every day let her become this happiest in the world woman muchly, But that I can not is selfish my unable selfish guarding is in this way consummate the angel is owned, her very excellent her ideal having self and her loving person, I hope that she all can be very joyful every day very happy carefree life, I may all pray for her every day within this the world corner , I love your all one's life!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-20 04:39

I fell in love with a Thai girl, she is not very pretty but in my mind that she was a perfect angel! Although we have thousands of miles across, but my heart has come to her there, at this moment that I know what is true love in this life I know will no longer love other people, and she is very good that she might not like me every day I would fill our minds with all that she has no other people or things, I always hope that they can every day to accompany her on her side to take care of all concerned, everything he made her become the world's most well-being of women, But I could not selfish, I could not selfish, that such a perfect angel for possession, she was too good of her own ideals and her love of people, I hope she can be happy every day, very happy carefree life, I In this corner of the world will be praying for her every day, I love you for life!
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