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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 11:58



热心网友 时间:2024-03-24 04:49

A:hi , i am XXX , so glad to meet you

B: i am XXX, so glad to meet you too. i am mojor in buseiness english , what about you?

A: english teaching is my mojor. there is some similiar aspects between our majors.

B: It's perfect right ! However, i find i have some trouble in learning my english ,could you give me some suggestions?

A: Well, do you mind telling me more details?

B: I think learning new words and some Grammer is my big trouble.

A: Basing my minds, i think it's good way to put a new words to a sentcen when you learn some new. As for the grammer, there is also some troble for myself. Maybe we can have more chat and negotations when are free in the time.

B: That's a good ideal.

A:You told me that you are on the business english,i am sure your skills for commucating in english must be perfect. do you mind tell me some good advice. You know, i am poor in communicating .

B:well, i think courage and minds play an important role in an communicating occains. when you are in a group or aroun of many others, courage is the first. After gathering the courage, you can open you month. and then you must have a good considerations by you minds to express your points. Basing these, you can make other understood.

A: i can't agree with you more. i will have a try! thanks so much

B: You are weclome. Okey, it's time for the class. i must be leaving now.

A: Bye
B: Bye

其实你可以随便扯的 , 这些东西写出来很没有 对话的那中韵味的。 你和你的搭档对话是, 随便说什么都可以的。

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有没有适合大学生的三个人的英语情景对话。时间十到十五分钟。_百度知 ...

三个人的英语对话(时间5分钟),对恭喜你!我都不知道。快告诉我们。C: Well, yes, in September, after taking the college entrace exam, I was admitted into Fudan University, majoring in International Economics and Trade.是的,就在9月,高考之后,我被复旦大学录取了,主修国际经济与贸易。


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