发布时间:2022-04-25 11:52
时间:2023-08-31 05:41
解决方法:一个是使用HLM6.0以上的版本;另一个就是用自己的SPSS打开HLM低版本自带的SAV数据文件,复制自己的数据覆盖该自带数据文件,另存即可。第一个方法呢,我没有试,因为我没有6.0版本的嘛;第二个呢,很好用的*^_^* 特意分享,省得有同志如我般白白耽误两天时间。
Recently, when I used two SPSS files (level 1 and level 2) to create an HLM mdm file, I got the following message. I am wondering this is an SPSS problem or HLM problem. Because these two files works last year for my class. I have these two files upload to university's network system called UB Learns.
The message error message from HLM says: "Invalid dictionary subtype in SPSS level 1. and LOS1.sav is an empty file. Actually, I can open LOS1.sav by SPSS (v.14), it is not an empty file. The same two files I used to upload to university computer are fine, I can use them to create the HLM .mdm file without any problem. Any idea, what is wrong with these two files.
Lisa T. Stickney Ph.D. Candidate:
Hi Bill,
This is a recognized problem with HLM v6. I encountered this problem in August, and got around it by saving my SPSS files in a SAS format then read the SAS file into HLM. I did this and found this worked particularly well with SAS transport files. Alternatively, in October, SSI released v6.02. According to SSI, it is compatibile with data files created using both SPSS14 and SPSS15. I am in the process of upgrading and have not tested it yet, but I see no reason it shouldn't work. I hope this helps and good luck.