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Afromental的《Radio Song》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-04 22:34



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 23:35

歌曲名:Radio Song
专辑:Radio Song

Days Difference - Radio Song (Main)
As the days turn into weeks
You and I, we hardly speak
The flowers bloom in the month of June
But that really doesn't matter because I lost you
A melody comes suddenly
A love sick song for the symphony
I write these words to catch your ear
And the world will sing along for you my dear
But you take it, you forget
I know, I know, I'm losing it
Cause you waste it on regret
The time, the moment that we met
Get out of my head, radio song
Get out of my head, radio song
Let's pretend that this never happened
I work too hard and I never sleep
I'm all too done but I'm incomplete
Do you think I could see you at another time?
Cause I'm out singing late on a Friday night
I'll slow down when I'm fifty-four
With a million words and a thousand scores
But is it really worth it if you're all alone
Living in a mansion that's an empty home
But I'll take it, I'll forget
I know, I know, I'm losing it
Cause I waste it on regret
The time, the moment that you left
Get out of my head, radio song
Get out of my head, radio song
Get out of my head, radio song
Get out of my head, radio song
We can't stop, we can't rewind
These words keep playing through my mind
So can we just restart
From places where we weren't apart?
Get out of my head radio song
Get out of my head radio song
Get out of my head radio song
Get out of my head radio song
Get out of my head radio song
Get out of my head radio song
Let's pretend this never happened

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