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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-04 03:28



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:10

Impairment of assets refers to the book value of assets exceed its recoverable amount, judge whether the assets are impaired, should be based on asset impairment probably happen in certain indications, if there are any indication, enterprises to cope with the recoverable amount shall be a formal estimate. Under the condition of market economy, asset impairment occurs inevitably, impairment of assets with the accounting recognition standard, therefore, enterprises to cope with the provision for assets impairment corresponding accounting treatment, for the information users provide corresponding financial information. This article mainly from the asset impairment preparation theory, points out new standard under our country present assets for impairment of long-term assets impairment, not rotary, recyclable, measuring the amount of goodwill impairment, asset group identified, earnings management and other related problems, combined with the actual situation, the analysis, and proposed the corresponding solutions, so that enterprises can be more rational and fair true response assets essence.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:10

Impairment of assets refers to the book value of assets exceed its recoverable amount, judge whether the assets are impaired, should be based on asset impairment probably happen in certain indications, if there are any indication, enterprises to cope with the recoverable amount shall be a formal estimate. Under the condition of market economy, asset impairment occurs inevitably, impairment of assets with the accounting recognition standard, therefore, enterprises to cope with the provision for assets impairment corresponding accounting treatment, for the information users provide corresponding financial information. This article mainly from the asset impairment preparation theory, points out new standard under our country present assets for impairment of long-term assets impairment, not rotary, recyclable, measuring the amount of goodwill impairment, asset group identified, earnings management and other related problems, combined with the actual situation, the analysis, and proposed the corresponding solutions, so that enterprises can be more rational and fair true response assets essence.追问百度翻译么?


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:11

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