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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-04 19:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 01:00

I often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy.I read about the famous building called the Leaning Tower of Pisa.But when I read the word Pisa,I was thinking of pizza.I thought this tower was a place to buy pizza.It must be the best place to buy pizza in the world,I thought.
Many years later I finally saw the Leaning Tower.I knew then that it was Pisa and no pizza.But there was still something special about it for me.The tower got its name because it really does lean(倾斜)to one side.Some people want to try to fix(修理)it.They are afraid it may fall over and they don't like it leans over the city.
I do not think it's a good idea to try to fix it.The tower probably will not fall down.It is 600 years old.Why should anything happen to it now? And,if you ask me,I like what it looks like.To me it is a very human kind of leaning.Nothing is perfect(完美的,无暇的),it seems to say.
And who cares? Why do people want things to be perfect? Imperfect things may be more interesting.Let's take the tower in Pisa.Why is it so famous? There are many other older,more beautiful towers in Italy.But Pisa tower is the most famous.People come from all over the world to see it.
1.This passage is about .
A.Italian pizza B.Italy's problems
C.How the Leaning Tower of Pisa got its name D.Why the writer likes Pisa
2.The writer used to(过去常常)think Pisa .
A.in Spain B.not very famous
C.not the same as pizza D.the same as pizza
3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa is .
A.modern B.falling down C.600 years old D.60 years old
4.The writer .
A.doesn't like what the tower looks like B.likes what the tower looks like
C.thinks it's the most beautiful tower in Italy D.doesn't like towers
5.The writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa because .
A.it's old B.it's perfect C.it sells pizza D.it's imperfect

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