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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-04 17:31



热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 11:48

泰坦尼克/铁达尼号英文剧情介绍: In his search for a blue diamond once owned by Louis XVI that was believed to have gone down with the Titanic, Brock Lovett discovers an intriguing sketch of a beautiful woman wearing the diamond on her neck. When the sketch appears on a news program, an old lady steps forward, claiming to be the woman in the drawing. She then recounts a beautiful story that took place on the ill-fated ship, a story of love that knew no boundaries. 《终结者》The Terminator英文影评 The Terminator is a blazing, cinematic comic book, full of virtuoso moviemaking, terrific momentum, solid performances and a compelling story. The clever script, cowritten by director James Cameron and procer Gale Anne Hurd, opens in a post-holocaust nightmare, A.D.2029, where brainy machines have crushed most of the human populace. From that point, Arnold Schwarzenegger as the cyborg Terminator is sent back to the present to assassinate a young woman named Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) who is, in the context of a soon-to-be-born son and the nuclear war to come, the mother of mankind's salvation. A human survivor in that black future (Michael Biehn), also drops into 1984 to stop the Terminator and save the woman and the future.
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