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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 05:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 22:32

Go to the beach with the necessities:
Sunglasses: Scorching sun, sunglasses to protect your eyes from strong sunlight against necessities. Sunglasses color, style variety. From the style that for portability, you should choose a light weight, not afraid to throw a resin or other synthetic materials, sport mirrors, preferably the kind with glasses leg straps; strong sunlight beach, so you should choose darker brown, green mirror; UV mirror can be UV, polarizer you can filter out the clutter in the light, so that the scene in front more clear.
Sunscreen: Sunscreen Ladies may compare the line, but men need to use the same sunscreen to protect their skin from UV rays.
Swimming Appliances: not swim to the beach it is a bit to live up to the scenery, so do not forget to bring some swimming equipment. Swimsuit, swimming trunks, cap, water mirror, towels, slippers, one less.
Camping: Tent both considered a luxury, and are counted thrifty goods. Because camping than to find ready-made shelter, it is very troublesome, and the equipment itself is not cheap. But camping can save the accommodation, and very fun. So whether in tents, you see that they have no interest of this.
Sunshades and beach chairs: If you are driving to the beach, you can bring these two things. Many awnings look, kind of like the best is not a top edge of the tent only to facilitate folding awning; umbrella awning with an iron rod that is not so convenient.
Cooking utensils, stoves, dishes: At the seaside picnic picnic is a great fun, but it needs to bring a lot of things, as well as complex and meticulous preparations. Gas stove, barbecue grills and other appliances most suitable for the beach picnic;.
To food should focus on water, especially in hot summer heat, stay at the beach all day does not prepare adequate water thirst you doing you dizzy. Staple foods could be considered to prepare bread, sausage, canned food, pickles, chicken ...... best less greasy, delicious choice in favor of, advised to carry, easy to broken food, it is best not to take the buns and the like, because the day heat, stew meat a day inside easily sour, it's best not to take the shrimp will not food poisoning after eating fresh shrimp, while in life-threatening,
Medicines. To take a band-aid package, undersea reef do not have eyes, draw a hole in them every day, in addition to a band-aid but also to bring stomach, cure diarrhea), cool oil (lest heat stroke), there are other more history on their own prepare some commonly used medicine.
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