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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-26 20:09



热心网友 时间:2024-03-08 05:31


Traditional Chinese music has tonality, just like Chinese language. In Chinese language, there are four tones in one pronunciation: flat, sliding from lower to higher pitch, or sliding from higher to lower, or combination of the two. These four tones make Chinese language different from any other western languages. As in Chinese music, there are more tones to represent different meanings.

As we all know, western music consists of seven notes. Although ancient Chinese only used five notes to compose music and songs, they had so many tunes to make the five notes sound different. Theses five notes are Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zhi, Yu.

Chinese music is different from music from other parts of the world. To demonstrate its beauty, only Chinese music instruments can do the best. Chinese music instruments can be categorized into eight classes by the materials they are made from. There is reed and gourd to make Sheng (an instrument with many pipes), bamboo to make panpipes, wood to make Chu, silk to make zither, clay to make flute, metal to make bell, stone to make sonorous stone, and skin to make drum.
The music I bring to the class is named “High Mountains and Flowing Streams”. From this name, you can imagine a harmonious picture with green mountains surrounding you and clear streams quietly passing by your feet. The music is played by Chinese zither, a flat stringed instruments with thirteen strings on top of it. “High Mountains and Flowing Streams” is a gem in the treasure trove of Chinese music. The music is slow and quiet, sometimes with rhythm and beats like the flowing water. It is a song in praise of the life-long friendship between Bo Ya, the zither master and Zhong Ziqi. The message is that it is not easy for one to find a true friend who can share everything and understand every feeling of the other. With images of imposing mountains and flowing streams, this piece of music demonstrates grandeur, strength and sublimity. It is also a full display of superb performing techniques.

Classical music is the one that happened in European country such as Germany,France,Poland…before the world war second.It includes serenade ,symphony,piano music,concerto,violin music, quartet etc.
After the second world war,most of the music is "PoP'',including Jazz,Hip-hop,Rock and Roll,
R&B,Nature music,Rap,light music,etc.
Folk music is created by one people through many years .Polka,Mazurka are foreign country's folk music.Chinese zither music,Chinese flute music,
erhu fiddle music…are our country's folk music.



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