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dj bobo的《Pray》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-25 15:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 06:45

歌手:dj bobo
专辑:DJ Bobo-Greatest Hits

Turn that night into a glory day
Stand for the rules and pray
We can make it a better place
When we pray for freedom
It doesn't matter what kind of race
When we pray for freedom
So let's live for the promise land
Living in harmony
So let's live with a helping hand
Dreams of a new generation
And we pray
What has happened to paradise
In motion or paralysed
Isolation, immigration
Frustration all over the nation
We've been waisting most of our time
Talking about things and that's no sign
Recognize the advice
It's more than only an exercise
Remember of the world so far away
Where people stay and pray everyday
They have their hopes, they have their chance
To pray for peace and tolerance
Remember of past time paradise
A system without any compromise
Let me say we can find a way
Stand up for the rules and pray
What has happened to paradise
Is it turned into a world of sorrow and lies
So many people don't care about rules
Honest people seem to be the fools
Time to wise up, time to rise up
Open your eyes up to the top
Hold a dream against the wind
Close your eyes and let it in
I've heard of a world so far away
Where people stay and pray everyday
They have no god, no sovereign
They pray for their rules and so they win
Remember of past time paradise
To be living in no compromise
Let me say we can find a way
Stand up for the rules and pray

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