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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-26 02:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 13:38

사랑은 선율을 타고
sarangeun suhnyooleul tahgo

눈을 뜨면 달콤한 햇살
nooneul ddeumyun dahlkkomhan haetsahl
싱그러운 후루츠향 흐르고
singgeuruhohn fruit hyang heureugo
모카라떼 가득담아 작은 테라스에 앉아
mocha latte kadeukdamah jahkeun terrace ae ahnjah
귀를 기울이면
gwereul kiwohleemyun

들려오는 Sweet한 멜로디
deul lyuh ohneun sweet han melody
그대 미소를 닮은 것 같아
geudae misoreul dahlmeun guht gahtah
나도 몰래 스며드는 내 하루의 설레임들을
nahdo mollae seumyu deuneun nae haruae suhllaeimdeulreul

하루하루 다른 벅찬 꿈들에 쫓기며
haruharu dareun buhkchan ggoomdeulae jjohtkimyuh
이리저리 마냥 흔들리듯 살아가도
eerijuhri manyang heundeulleedeut sahlahkahdo

사랑은 선율을 타고 날아와
sarangeun sunyooleul tahgo nahlahwah
마법처럼 나를 이끌 것 같아
mabubchureum nareul eekkeul kuht kahtah

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day
늘 바라던 (꿈결같은) 사랑으로 채워 넣을게
neul barahhn (ggoomkyuhlkahteun) sarangeuro chaewuh noeulkae

Cream처럼 포근하게
cream cuhruhm pohgeunhakae
내 마음을 감싸줘요
nae maeumeul kamsahjoyo

항상 좋은 일만 생각해요
hangsang joeun eehlmahn saenggahkhaeyo

눈물로만 지샌 밤에도
noonmoolromahn jisaen bamaedo
종일 웃는 그런 날에도
jongil oohtneun geuruhn nahlaedo
익숙해진 표정으로 날 반겨주기만 했던
eehksookhaejeen pyojungeuro nahl bankyuhjookimahn haetn
낡은 내 바이올린
nahlkeun nae violin

가끔씩은 잊기도 하고
kakkeumseekeun ehtkeedo hago
때론 싫어 미워했지만
ddaeroon silluh miwuhhaetjimahn
이제는 놓칠 수 없는 내 소중한 그리움들을
eejaeneun noohchil soo ubneun nae sojoonghan geureeoohmdeuleul

하루하루 다른 벅찬 꿈들에 쫓기며
haruharu dareun buhkchan ggoomdeulae jjohtkimyuh
이리저리 마냥 흔들리듯 살아가도
eerijuhri manyang heundeulleedeut sahlahkahdo

사랑은 선율을 타고 날아와
sarangeun sunyooleul tahgo nahlahwah
마법처럼 나를 이끌 것 같아
mabubchureum nareul eekkeul kuht kahtah

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day
늘 바라던 (꿈결같은) 사랑으로 채워 넣을게
neul barahhn (ggoomkyuhlkahteun) sarangeuro chaewuh noeulkae

Cream처럼 포근하게
cream cuhruhm pohgeunhakae
내 마음을 감싸줘요
nae maeumeul kamsahjoyo

항상 좋은 일만 생각해요
hangsang joeun eehlmahn saenggahkhaeyo

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day
늘 바라던 (꿈결같은) 사랑으로 채워 넣을게
neul barahhn (ggoomkyuhlkahteun) sarangeuro chaewuh noeulkae
cream cuhruhm


내 마음을
nae maeumeul


항상 좋은 일만 생각해요
hangsang joeun eehlmahn saenggahkhaeyo

When I open my eyes, there's sweet sunshine
With the fresh aroma of fruits all around
With a full cup of mocha cafe, I sit on this small terrace
And when I open my ears

There's a sweet melody I hear
It reminds me of your smile
And unconsciously, all the feelings treasured inside me throughout the day
Come back to me again

Even if I chase away all the other dreams I have each day
Even if I try to make myself busy

Love comes floating to me on a melody
It pulls me in as if it's magic

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day
I will fill all those dreams with my love

Like a soft cream,
Can you embrace my heart

Please think only of the good things

During nights where the night broke day through my tears
Or days where I smiled all day
With its ever familiar expression that always welcomed me
Was my old violin

Although sometimes I forgot about it
And other times, I hated it
But now I could never lose this precious yearning
Share it together with me

Even if I chase away all the other dreams I have each day
Even if I try to make myself busy

Love comes floating to me on a melody
It pulls me in as if it's magic

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day
I will fill all those dreams with my love

Like a soft cream,
Can you embrace my heart

Please think only of the good things

Oh~ Day By Day, Day By Day
I will fill all those dreams with my love

Like a soft cream,
Can you embrace my heart

Please think only of the good things

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