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英语阅读题:In China,almost everybody knows Li Ka

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-26 12:40



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 21:40

In China, almost everybody knows about Mr. Li Ka-shing, who built a fast-growing business and an excellent reputation through his determination and his ability to become one of Hong Kong’s most famous entrepreneurs within a few decades. However, appreciate more his outlook on life. He once said, “We are all climbing the same mountain; that is to say, we are faced with the same environment. In a hundred or a thousand years, it will be the same mountain or environment, but the people will be different. If we bear in mind that life is only a short journey, we will want to spend a little more time and do a little more, hoping to sow good seeds in this world.” Mr. Li’s philosophy is his greatest capital for successful business ventures.

1. The biography of Li Ka-shing

Seventy years ago in Chaozhou, Guangdong, Mr. Li was born into a well-ecated family which instilled in him early on a respect for ecation and a wish to gain more knowledge. In 1940, when he was 12 years old, his father Mr. Li Yunjing decided to move the whole family to Hong Kong. Though by doing so they could avoid the wartime turbulence in the mainland, the senior Mr. Li, in poor health, found it difficult to settle in a new place and passed away in 1943. This meant that when Mr Li Ka-shing was only 15, he had to shoulder the responsibility of supporting his mother and younger siblings. He first worked for a firm manufacturing watchstrap, then became a salesman of plastic procts. Because of his hard work, he was soon promoted to manager and, later, general manager. In 1950, with his own savings, he set up a plastics factory named “Cheung Kong” on Hong Kong Island, thus beginning his illustrious career in the business world. In 1957, accurately foreseeing a growth in demand, he established Cheung Kong Instrial Company Limited, specializing in plastic flowers and toys. In the following year, he made his first venture into the real estate business and, by the age of 30, had made a name for himself in Hong Kong as a successful businessman. Today, Mr. Li controls four publicly listed companies, namely, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, Hutchison Whampoa Limited, Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited, and Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited, with a combined market capitalization of approximately HK$450 billion. Based in Hong Kong, the Group has major investments and operations in over 24 countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and France. Businesses encompass such diverse areas as property development and investment holdings, estate management and real estate agency, securities investment, hotels, container terminals, retail, manufacturing, telecommunications, infrastructure projects and materials, transportation and energy.

2. the qualifications of Li Ka-shing

Mr. Li is truly one of the foremost leaders in the world of business. There are some qualifications and achievement make him a successful leader. First, he is a hard working man, his constant striving to better himself, his grasp of opportunities, and his clear understanding of the latest situation. Second, Mr. Li's career in business started at the grass-roots level. He first worked in a watch company and, two years later, moved to a hardware and plastic procts manufacturer as a salesman, becoming its general manager after two years. In 1950, at the age of 22, he set up his own business, Cheung Kong Plastics Company. Within a short period of seven years, Mr. Li rose to become the owner of a manufacturing company. Apart from his enrance and innovative spirit, his intelligence and wisdom had played an important role in his success. Even though he could not continue his formal ecation, he had never given up his quest for new knowledge. He managed to find time for self-study. He said, 'Although I was a humble person at that time, I had confidence in myself. I knew I could do things better than other people because I had not given up my studies'. Today, at over 70 years of age, Mr. Li has not put away his books. He continues to learn new things every day. He has a broad range of interests, reading books on, for example, information technology, economics, philosophy and history. He feels he must allow some time for studying before going to bed, and has often fallen asleep with his books. I am sure our graates here have shared this experience. Mr. Li made time in his busy schele to continue learning, to gain more knowledge and wisdom. Third, Mr. Li is a fine example for anyone with great aspiration, and has given heart to anyone persevering in the long journey to realize his vision. Fourth, Mr. Li has a huge public-spirited character. To young people aspiring to great heights, Mr. Li is an excellent role model.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 21:40

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